Maria Pepelassis discusses the role of expats and control of elections in the re-election of President Erdogan that effectively cemented his powers as an autocrat.
4. Programs
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Cyber Security for Small States
Junior Research Fellow Ramesh Balakrishnan explores ways small states can make up for their limited cyber security investment capabilities while still developing an effective cyber security strategy.
Revisiting Able Archer ’83
In his latest article, Justin Dell writes on the lessons we can learn from a past NATO operation: Able Archer.
Metalhead and the Fear of Integration
Black Mirror is an anthology series that explores the relationship between humanity and technology. Each episode takes us to a near-future world that often demonstrates the disturbing potential of today’s innovations. Season four includes the episode “Metalhead,” in which our anxieties regarding intelligent, autonomous drones is examined.
Russian Federation No Longer: The Decline of Federalism and Autonomy in Russia
Aidan Simardone argues Western states should demand Russia respect federalism.
The Divisive Nord Stream Two Gas Pipeline
John Szabo writes on the Nord Stream Two gas pipeline, and how it’s divided opinion across Europe and with its allies, and how it could affect EU and NATO projects in the foreseeable future. Germany wants to move forward, but that means that the Cold-War frontlines between East and West could be pushing further west.
Canada’s Back: An Interview with Brigadier-General Smith
Brigadier-General Greg Smith and his staff in Belgium agreed to discuss Canada’s role in NATO, NATO’s institutional structure, and Canada’s place in the world with Isabelle Ava-Pointon.
NATO And Colombia: The Emperor’s New Clothes?
In her most recent article, Natalia Valencia writes about the recent announcement of Colombia joining NATO as a ‘global partner’ and what this means for a region that has become wary of not just U.S. hard power and policy toward Latin America, but of Western intervention on the whole.
The Parallel State: Hezbollah And Its Replicas
From a local southern Lebanese guerrilla force to a huge regional player, Hezbollah has made many friends and foes. It’s implications for the Lebanese state, to states where similar replica are now emerging, the militia force has come to represent a rising theme and issue in the Middle East: the militia and it’s parallel state.
Canadian International Relations and Law: Cannabis
Demyan tackles the recent Canadian cannabis legislation and its potential dilemma with international agreements. In response to the pressure that Canada faces, Demyan provides several actions that can be taken by Canada on the international stage to avoid international dispute.