Tune in to the two-part podcast interview by NAOC Research Analyst Sha Lalapet and Senior Delegate to Canada for ICRC Andrew Carswell
Sha Lalapet
The Syria Report: Podcast Interview with Neil Hauer
Listen to Sha Lalapet interview Neil Hauer about the geopolitics of the ongoing Syrian conflict and what we can expect in the coming months
Podcast Interview with Senior Intelligence Analyst Neil Hauer
Ever thought about a career in Intelligence Analysis? Sha Lalapet gives us a sneak peak in a podcast interview with Senior Intelligence Analyst Neil Hauer
Yazidi Women and Sexual Violence as a Weapon of War
As part of #16days campaign against gender-based violence, Sha Lalapet delves into the plight of Yazidi women under ISIS and the sexual violence that was used against them as a weapon of war.
Ensuring Women’s safety, what happened to the HeforShe campaign?
For this #16days special edition of the Editor’s Forum, we asked our editors to discuss the inclusion of men and women in ensuring women’s safety.
Are we voting for democracy?
In this Editor’s Forum, we asked our editors their view on voting: In light of the American elections, its resulting outcry, and its 49% silent, is the vote the best representation of democracy today? Why so?
NATO’s Arc of Crisis – Infographic
Check out the infographic by Sha Lalapet to see what we do at the NATO’s Arc of Crisis program!
Mosul Operation: ‘We are Coming, Nineveh’
Who is contributing to what in the Mosul offensive? Sha Lalapet explores the various aspects to the offensive via an infographic.
The Dichotomy: Russia’s foray into the Middle East
Is Syria Russia’s gateway to the Middle East? Sha Lalapet analyses Syrian-Russian relationship and the reasons behind why Russia is expanding in the Middle East.
Happy 16th Anniversary UNSCR1325: Make a wish, blow your candles, now what?
In this Editor’s Forum, we asked our editors’ view on the UNSCR1325 progress towards gender justice in security. In light of the 16th Anniversary of the implementation of UNSCR1325, are we actually progressing towards gender justice in security? How are you encountering gender as a concept in your respective programs?