Russia recently produced an image of a secret nuclear warhead capable of devastating the United States with a 500ft tsunami able to destroy every living thing within 1000 miles. It was of course just “a leak”. If history has anything to say, however, it is very likely that this was a premeditated strategic military move. Read More…
David Hunter
Combat Ready, At Least Digitally
David gives us an insight on the annual “Locked Shields” competition by the NATO Cyber Defense Centre of Excellence.
The Dynamics of Group Collectives and Nation States (2/3)
In this article, the author David Hunter sheds light on the idea of the ‘Self.’ How group theory influences the self and vice-versa. And, if at all, the human self can truly be discerned for its rationality?
The Dynamics of Group Collectives and Nation States (1/3)
David Hunter investigates the relationship between individuals and collectives, arguing for a serious re-thinking of “rational choice” economics.
NATO’s Much Needed Status Quo: Pre-Emptive Response
David Hunter discusses NATO moving to a more proactive role in defense of member nations.
The Price of Complacency
David Hunter examines the cost of falling defense expenditures.
Using Oil as Political Currency: What ISIL’s Capture of the Baiji Oil Refinery Means for Iraq
Following ISIL’s capture of the Baiji oil refinery, David Hunter analyses the possible impact of Iraq’s political crisis on the global oil market.
NATO: One For All, And All For None
In his latest article, David Hunter discusses NATO’s member states’ different understanding of the intended role of the organisation.
Crimea: Russia’s Strategic Link to the Past and the Future
David Hunter explores Russia’s history, and how it relates to the current conflict.
Pipelines and Lifelines
David Hunter explores the relationships wrought over the development of pipelines.