OTTAWA ROUNDTABLE Date: October 16th, 2012 – 17:00-19:00 Place: Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Senate Room, 608 Robertson Hall, Ottawa To Register Please contact the NCC by October 15th, 2012 by calling (416) 979-1875 or e-mailing On October 16, 2012, the NATO Council of Canada will be hosting a panel to discuss whether Read More…
Previous Events
Sept 22-29: Tour to NATO Headquarters
From September 22-29, 2012,The NATO Council of Canada, along with leaders from business, national affairs and academia embarked upon a tour of NATO Headquarters.
Sept 5: Commander Hugues Canuel – “A Sailor’s Experience with the NATO Training Mission in Afghanistan”
On September 5, 2012, Commander Hugues Canuel discussed the challenges of standing up the Canadian contribution to the training mission and nurturing the growth of the Afghan National Security Forces.
July 17: NATO Comedy Pub Night
July 17th, 2012 – 18:00-22:00 The Duke of York, 39 Prince Arthur Ave. (one block North of Avenue and Bloor) About: Join us for a fabulous night of interactive networking and hilarious comedy in celebration of the NATO alliance. Eight Toronto Comedians will perform skits and stand-up while the audience networks and mingles with members Read More…
October 17: The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Gala
The NATO Council of Canada Celebrates The Diamond Jubilee Of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II DATE: Wednesday, October 17th, 2012 LOCATION: The Great Hall at Hart House, University of Toronto, Hart House Circle, Toronto TIME: 5:30pm Reception – 6:30pm Procession to Dinner – 7:00pm Dinner Price: $150 per ticket DRESS CODE:Black Tie With Miniatures RSVP: Read More…
June 26: Conference – SWIFT, Oil and Gold: Stormy Seas Ahead?
Tuesday, 26 June 2012 @ 18.00 – 21.30 University Club of Toronto, 380 University Ave About the Event: Please join us from 6:00-9:30pm on the evening of June 26th at the University Club for a discussion on the ramifications of the impending US & EU economic sanctions on the Islamic Republic of Iran to go into Read More…
June 11: Conversations with the Chairman – “A Season in Purgatory – When We Didn’t Rule the Waves” with Peter C. Newman
June 11th, 2012 – 19:00-21:00 10th Floor, 165 University Ave. Toronto Following the NATO Council AGM, Bill Graham talks with Peter Newman about his experience of Canada’s Navy from 1945-2011. To be followed by a wine reception with the speaker About the Speaker: Peter C. Newman joined what was then the Royal Canadian Naval Reserves Read More…
May 30: Conference – From Sea to Sea: The Search For Maritime Security
The NATO Council’s Maritime Security Conference “From Sea to Sea: the Search for Maritime Security” Purpose: As a nation surrounded by three oceans and the great lakes, Canada’s maritime security has been of preeminent importance throughout the country’s history. A secure marine environment is also essential to Canada’s prosperity. Despite this marked significance, there has Read More…
April 26: Tribute Dinner to Honour General Bouchard and Dr. Kaneff
The Hon. Bill Graham, PC., QC., Chairman and the Board of Directors of The NATO Council of Canada cordially invite you to the Annual Tribute Dinner honouring [captionpix align=”left” theme=”elegant” width=”200″ imgsrc=”×300.jpg ” captiontext= “Dr. Ignat Kaneff.”] [captionpix align=”right” theme=”elegant” width=”194″ imgsrc=” ” captiontext= “LGen Charles Bouchard.”] Thursday, April 26th, 2012 7 Hart House Circle, Read More…
April 18: “Enlargement to strengthen NATO’s Role” Roundtable Discussion
April 18th, 2012 – 18:15-20:30 10th Floor, 165 University Ave. Toronto About the Speakers: A graduate in Law, Mrs. Trisic-Babic also has a background in journalism, and studied at Harvard’s Kennedy School Program in the field of national and international security, Boston, Massachusetts. After serving in successively senior positions in the government of Bosnia and Read More…