Emily Robinson is a graduate of Dalhousie University, where she completed her Master of Arts in Political Science this past year. She is also a graduate of Mount Allison University, where she completed a BA with a double major in Political Science and Canadian Studies. Her research areas include Canadian foreign policy, international relations theory, Middle Eastern security, and North African political affairs. Her MA research focused on Canada's involvement in the 2011 intervention in Libya and the way in which international relations theory can be applied in this area of study.Emily works as a research assistant as well as a teaching assistant at Dalhousie University. You can contact her at emily.robinson@dal.ca.
Canada Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Emily Robinson Global Horizons NATO and Canada Security Security, Trade and the Economy Society, Culture, and Security Technology The United States of America

Producer vs. Consumer Cost: How Affordable Are Renewables? (Energy Security Part 3/3)

In the final part of her series on Canada’s energy security, Emily Robinson takes a look at the cost of renewables to examine how renewable energy is developing.