Cyber Security and Emerging Threats

Special Report: Is Voting By Mail A Safe And Viable Alternative To In-Person Voting?

Postal voting has become an increasingly polarized issue in the United-States as the presidential election approaches. In this special report, Chloe Ketels addresses voting by mail as a possible alternative to casting votes in person.

Cyber Security and Emerging Threats

Is TikTok The Next Huawei? Why Some See a Video-Sharing App as a Threat to National Security

TikTok has been banned in India and the United States may follow suit. In his new article, Alex Johnson examines the TikTok controversy and assesses the app’s potential to compromise national security.

Security, Trade and the Economy

United States-China Trade War (Infographic)

US-CHINA-TRADE-WARDownload Photo: United States of America Flag (1959), by Dbenbenn via Wikimedia Commons. Public Domain. Photo: China Flag (2009), by SKopp via Wikimedia Commons. Public Domain. Disclaimer: Any views or opinions expressed in articles are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the NATO Association of Canada.

Security, Trade and the Economy

International Trade Implications on Canadian Business

Following a press release the Director-General of the World Trade Organization (WTO), Roberto Azevêdo made remarks on the theme of slowing global trade growth earlier this year. In 2017, there was optimism of renewed momentum in global trade which was backed by a 4.6% growth. This period of broad-based growth lasted throughout 2017 and into Read More…

Security, Trade and the Economy Tiffany Kwok

Growing Up, or Apart? : European Strategic Autonomy

The mutual dependency of nations for the purposes of protection is a normalized standard in international security. Yet, this complementary relationship is not one that is easily achieved and requires a lot to maintain. In recent years, the term ‘strategic autonomy’ has stimulated interest amongst a large European collective, producing both supporters and opponents of Read More…

Canada Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Defence Spending Europe France Germany NATO Security Security, Trade and the Economy Taylor Allen The United States of America United Kingdom

Alternative Leadership in NATO

In this interesting publication, Taylor Allen forecasts the possibility of a NATO without American leadership amidst serious claims and criticisms from President Donald Trump.

Cyber Security and Emerging Threats

Destabilizing Missile Politics Return to Europe, Part II: For Russia, Pershing II Redux?

This is the second of a two-part series analyzing the impact of the changing theatre missile landscape and the INF Treaty. The first part considered the future of the INF Treaty on transatlantic relations. Part II looks at Russian perspectives on the treaty.