4. Programs Energy Security

Europe Looks for More Caspian-Region Energy

The EU’s Energy Commissioner Kadri Simson will personally attend the annual interministerial meeting of the Advisory Council on the Southern Gas Corridor in Baku on February 4. She announced this, following a meeting of EU energy ministers in Amiens (France), where they discussed market uncertainties due to Russia’s decrease of flows to Europe and its Read More…

Diplomatic Relations Eastern Europe and Russia Previous Events Ukraine

The Maple Leaf and the Trident: Canadian Capacity Building in Ukraine

On June 29, 2021 the NATO Association of Canada hosted a panel discussion with Lieutenant-Colonel Melanie Lake, Task force Commander of Operation UNIFIER and Mr. Rouslan Kats, Counsellor for Political and Public Affairs at the Embassy of Canada in Ukraine. Our esteemed guests discussed the ways in which their work helps to build capacity in Read More…

Arash Toupchinejad Society, Culture, and Security

NATO as Turkey’s Channel for Rapprochement with the West

Despite Turkey’s fractured ties to NATO, which has increasingly alienated its people from the alliance over the past year, there seems to be a paradigm shift in Ankara’s foreign policy towards its allies. Arash Toupchinejad analyzes how NATO can capitalize on this shift in attitude to motivate Turkey’s rapprochement with the West under the auspices of the Framework Nations Concept.

Arjun Singh Climate Change Eastern Europe and Russia Energy & Resources Germany Japan Russia Security, Trade and the Economy The United States of America Western Europe

Deutschland’s Dissonance: Nordstream, Nazism and NATO’s Peril

Despite NATO’s objections, as Germany persists in cooperation with Russia, Arjun Singh deconstructs the German strategic calculus on Nord Stream 2 and impact of Holocaust history.