Security, Trade and the Economy

A Breakdown of the United States’ $61 Billion Aid Package to Ukraine and Lessons for Canada

Since the Russian invasion in 2022, Ukraine has been a significant recipient of aid from the United States and dozens of other NATO member states, including Canada. This past April, after a six-month delay in Congress, the United States’ legislature voted to pass a much-anticipated $61-billion dollar aid package to Kyiv, its most extensive contribution to date. Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Read More…

Indo-Pacific and NATO Jake Rooke

Rogue Allies: A Partnership of Desperation, Russia and North Korea

As Russia experiences growing isolation since its invasion of Ukraine, Moscow has sought to deepen its relationship with the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK). This relationship, which had previously collapsed with the Soviet Union’s dissolution in 1991, has witnessed a prominent resurgence. The new relationship is marked by secrecy and mutual assistance aimed at Read More…

Jake Rooke Security, Trade and the Economy

Special Report: The Battle Behind the Production, Russia’s Defence Industry and the Paradigm of its Strategic Advantage in the Land Domain

Disclaimer: Any views or opinions expressed in articles are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the NATO Association of Canada. Russia’s recent success on the battlefield has been directly influenced by the robustness of the Russian defence industry’s land-domain sector. This sector can be characterized by its focus Read More…

Clara Lachman Society, Culture, and Security

Forever Putin? The Greater Implications of Russia’s Election Results.

A fifth term secured in power. Another six years claimed as the country’s head of state. On track to becoming the Kremlin’s longest serving leader since Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin. Welcome to the world of Mr. Vladimir Putin. Last month, Russia held its eighth presidential election, although it was predetermined who would emerge victorious. Yet, Read More…

Society, Culture, and Security

Will it take a military disaster to convince Canadians that defence must be taken seriously?

March was not a great month for Canadian defence policy, even such as it is. It began with the publication by the CBC of a December 2023 Department of National Defence report stating that: “Only 58 per cent of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) would be able to respond if called upon in a crisis Read More…

Society, Culture, and Security

NATO75 – Making the Most of Black Swans

There is an apocryphal quotation commonly attributed to Vladimir Lenin, that, “There are decades where nothing happens, and there are weeks where decades happen.” This apposite reflection on the uneven velocity of historical change could have been written of the new, narrow epoch the Atlantic Community finds itself in at the current moment. Only five Read More…

Security, Trade and the Economy

Are Wars a “Recipe for Epidemics”?

During the American Civil War, in the 1860s, two thirds of soldiers’ deaths came, not from the conflict itself, but from infectious diseases, including typhoid and malaria. These infectious diseases were infamously referred to as the “Third Army.” Even over a century later, with the knowledge that people now possess of infectious diseases, they still Read More…

Centre For Disinformation Studies Society, Culture, and Security

Mapping Russian Disinformation Narratives And Their Influence Across Europe In The Face Of The 2024 European Parliament Election

Since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the threat of pro-Kremlin disinformation in Europe has become a matter of increasingly pressing concern. This is particularly true for NATO members that provide Ukraine with significant military and humanitarian aid. Between February and March of 2022, Russia’s state budget for mass media increased by 433 percent, as “the audience and reach Read More…

Society, Culture, and Security

“CIMIC” Doctrine in Post-Conflict Missions and Humanitarian Operations under NATO-led forces: The KFOR Case

Abstract: This article compares experiences gained in KFOR and ISAF and what they might equip Allied leaders to anticipate in the Western Balkans, should Moscow begin to create trouble on that front to shore up its position in Ukraine.  Post-conflict missions and humanitarian operations conducted by NATO-led forces have revealed successes, lessons learned, and challenges to civil-military Read More…

Gleb Adamovych Security, Trade and the Economy

NATO and Energy Security: Changing Times

In the face of the unprovoked Russian invasion of Ukraine, the existing Atlantic energy infrastructure has found its Achilles’ heel, namely a reliance on resources controlled by powers with interests that are inimical to the rules-based international order. According to NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg, the alliance’s goals in the face of this new crisis have Read More…