Jake Rooke Security, Trade and the Economy

Navigating BRICS Expansion with an Eye to China and Russia: A Strategic Perspective

BRICS, the hitherto five-state grouping of emerging countries that, until now, included Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, expanded in early 2024. This enlargement doubled BRICS’ membership to include authoritarian members Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), but with Argentina desisting from joining after the election of President Milei. This is the first BRICS Read More…

Centre For Disinformation Studies Jack Burnham

Nothing is Foreign Here: China, Japan, and the Influence of Narratives within American Policymaking

How do stories shape domestic articulations of foreign policy? In this special report, Jack Burnham discusses how the narratives surrounding the rise of China and Japan shaped American foreign policy debates.

Christopher Maternowski Previous Events

A Decade of Engagement: Jean Chrétien and NATO

Significant international events—the breakup of Yugoslavia, NATO enlargement, the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, to name a few—occurred during Jean Chrétien’s decade as prime minister. This retrospective examines Chrétien’s foreign policy with a specific emphasis on his government’s engagement with NATO.

Elliott Simpson NATO and Canada NATO Operations

Last In, First Out: Two Decades in Afghanistan

Bagram Air Base – once the bastion of coalition forces in Afghanistan – is now empty of U.S. and NATO troops, bringing an effective end to their presence in the country. Elliott Simpson reflects on what should be acknowledged, and hopefully learned from their efforts over the past 20 years.

NATO and Canada NATO Operations

Woodrow Wilson and World War I, One Hundred Years On

On the centenary of the end of World War I, people from democratic societies should look back and appreciate how much they have benefited from the rules-based international order that was proposed by Woodrow Wilson after that conflict. Justin Dell looks at what the world stands to lose if Wilson’s legacy is discarded in favour of a return to an anarchic world of great-power rivalry.