Erik Anderson NATO and Canada

To CFIS or not CFIS: Canada’s Foreign Intelligence Service Quandary

The question of whether Canada needs a foreign intelligence service is not a new one. It’s been bandied about almost as long as Canada has had a domestic intelligence service. Created by an Act of Parliament in 1984, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) was mandated only to include the collection of data and information Read More…

Centre For Disinformation Studies Society, Culture, and Security

Mapping Russian Disinformation Narratives And Their Influence Across Europe In The Face Of The 2024 European Parliament Election

Since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the threat of pro-Kremlin disinformation in Europe has become a matter of increasingly pressing concern. This is particularly true for NATO members that provide Ukraine with significant military and humanitarian aid. Between February and March of 2022, Russia’s state budget for mass media increased by 433 percent, as “the audience and reach Read More…

NATO and Canada

Canada Urgently Needs a National Security Policy

It has been a busy year for policymakers and strategic thinkers in Canada. Confronting Russian aggression in Europe, balancing the Chinese and Indian relationships, and isolating the Russian economy has proven to be difficult. Domestic unrest due to supply-chain disruptions and exorbitant energy and fuel cost increases has proven to be equally challenging in many Read More…

Canada China China Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Intelligence & National Security International Law & Policy International Relations Katherine Todd NATO and Canada Russia Security Security, Trade and the Economy The Arctic

Canada’s Need for a Comprehensive Arctic Strategy Amid Russian and Chinese Threats

Warming climates, emerging natural resources, and intensifying geopolitical threats have made the Arctic an area of great political tension, but Canada does not yet have a strategy to deal with these challenges. Can the country afford to lag behind other Arctic and “Near-Arctic” states in planning for the future of its security?

Centre For Disinformation Studies Jack Burnham

House of Cards: The Suspension of the US’ Disinformation Governance Board

Why did the US Disinformation Governance Board fail? In this article, Jack Burnham discusses the ill-fated US Department of Homeland Security initiative, and the implications for addressing disinformation within democracies.

Security, Trade and the Economy

Understanding India’s position of ‘proactive neutrality’ in the Russian- Ukraine war. Its implications on India’s security and economy.

In an emergency session of the UN’s General Assembly held on February 27th 2022, 141 of the 193 member states voted for a resolution that deplored Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and called for the immediate withdrawal of its forces. India, along with China and 33 other countries, abstained. Explaining its vote, India’s Permanent Representative at Read More…