Energy Security

Where does energy fit in the new military clashes with Armenia?

An analytical commentary by Robert M. Cutler, Director of the Energy Security Program, titled “Where does energy fit in the new military clashes with Armenia?“, was published on 28 July 2020 by the independent News.Az Online News Agency As is well known by now, in mid-July new military hostilities erupted between Azerbaijan and Armenia. They Read More…

Dr Robert M Cutler Energy Security

U.S. Passes New Geopolitical Energy Legislation

In the rush of activity at the end of last year, in preparation for adjournment, the U.S. Congress approved and President Donald Trump signed legislation including provisions for American foreign economic policy, and energy policy in particular. The one that has got perhaps more attention was the Eastern Mediterranean Security and Energy Partnership Act of Read More…

Energy Security

European Natural Gas Geopolitics on a Collision Course?

Following the Dutch discovery of the Groningen field, and British, Norwegian and Danish discoveries in the North Sea during the 1960s and 1970s, natural gas appeared to offer Europe an opportunity to decrease its dependence on Middle Eastern oil. However, demand for gas quickly outpaced supply, leading West European buyers increasingly to rely on Soviet Read More…

Dr Robert M Cutler Energy Security

Turkmenistan Relations with European Union Reach a New Level

The energy security of NATO members in Europe will receive a further boost as the European Union has opened a new Delegation in Turkmenistan. This Delegation supersedes the lower-level liaison office through which relations had been conducted up until now. The move follows the European Council’s adoption of a new “EU Strategy for Central Asia,” Read More…

Dr Robert M Cutler Energy Security

Uzbekistan Moves Fast To Reform Energy Sector

Energy sector reform is moving quickly in Uzbekistan, and foreign direct investment (FDI) is skyrocketing. The country did not have an energy ministry until February of this year. Instead, the energy sector was in the portfolio of one of eight deputy prime ministers, who also covered metallurgy and geology. This excessive concentration of responsibilities was Read More…

Dr Robert M Cutler Energy Security

Momentum Accelerates for the Trans-Caspian Gas Pipeline

Momentum accelerated over the past month pointing towards the implementation, sooner rather than later, of the Trans-Caspian Gas Pipeline (TCGP). Already last summer the signature of the Convention on the Legal Status of the Caspian Sea established that neither Russia nor Iran would be able to block the construction of the pipeline. This even confirms Read More…

Dr Robert M Cutler Energy Security

Turkey, Georgia, and Energy Security

European energy security, especially the diversification of sources of supply of natural gas, increasingly depends on the South Caucasus countries of Georgia and Azerbaijan. Russia is building the NordStream Two and TurkStream pipelines in order to secure European Union (EU) dependence on Russian gas for decades to come. Because of its unique geographical situation, Georgia Read More…

Dr Robert M Cutler Energy Security

The Southern Gas Corridor in 2018 and Prospects for 2019

This article is an end-of-year review looking at the EU’s and Turkey’s position in three potential maritime conflict situations: first, the Caspian Sea basin; and then the Black Sea and East Mediterranean basins together. The most significant development in Caspian Sea energy in 2018 was the signature of the Convention on the Status of the Read More…