Strait to the Bank: A Look at the Growing Economic Relationship Between China and Taiwan

On November 7, the world witnessed a historic meeting of minds; Chinese President Xi Jinping and Taiwanese president Ma Ying-jeo met publicly in Singapore. This meeting was the first of its kind between both parties since the conclusion of the Chinese Civil War in 1949. For observers, it signified a mutual affirmation of interest towards Read More…

Canada’s Need For A Comprehensive Arctic Strategy Amid Russian And Chinese Threats

On August 26, 2022, NATO’s Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg warned Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau about Russia and China’s investments and intentions to build military, commercial, and industrial capacities in the Arctic. This is not new information. Russia and China made their Arctic strategies publicly available in 2009 and 2018, respectively. News articles frequently detail their interests and successes in the region. Despite this, Canada has Read More…

Special Report: The Battle Behind the Production, Russia’s Defence Industry and the Paradigm of its Strategic Advantage in the Land Domain

Disclaimer: Any views or opinions expressed in articles are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the NATO Association of Canada. Russia’s recent success on the battlefield has been directly influenced by the robustness of the Russian defence industry’s land-domain sector. This sector can be characterized by its focus Read More…

Action is Needed and Words Won’t Suffice: Why Canada Must Bolster Its Support for Hong Kong (PART 1)

The Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) most recent attempt at forcibly reshaping Hong Kong in its own image occurred on March 19th, 2024, when the Government of Hong Kong passed The Safeguarding National Security Bill (Safeguarding Security Bill). The Bill reinforces The Law of the People’s Republic of China on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Read More…

Special Report: Unveiling Western Business Implications in the Russian Defence Industry’s Supply Chains

Significant attention has been drawn to the adaptability of Russia’s defence industry and how it has diversified its supply chains, circumvented sanctions, and bolstered its ability to conduct its war of aggression on Ukraine. While scrutiny has been directed towards adversaries, such as Iran and North Korea, and intermediaries (e.g., China), including Western allies and Read More…

Tides of Power: China’s Potential Strategic Dominance in Shipbuilding and Its Influence on Naval Power for the U.S.

China has a significant position in global commercial shipbuilding and its control is growing, granting it a formidable strategic industrial advantage in modernizing and expanding the capabilities of the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN). This is important as the PLAN’s modernization, in numerical and tonnage, combined with its intention to move beyond a littoral naval Read More…

From Minilaterals to Indo-Pacific Treaty Organization: An Idea Whose Time Has Come?

FOIP and RBIO Under Threat While many of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) member-states are heavily preoccupied with providing military assistance to Ukraine’s self-defence against Russia’s war of aggression in the eastern flank, the latest string of events in the Indo-Pacific is a growing cause of concern that could spark a regional armed conflict Read More…

China’s Ascendance: Its History and Hazards –  Part 2: The Long March  

If you read “China” in Chinese, it actually means “Middle Kingdom.” It epitomizes why, politically and culturally, a significant proportion of the Chinese population believes that China is a superlative civilization that must restore itself to its “former glory.”  Chinese emperors have fought for control of one of the longest-lasting empires on earth, from the mythical Read More…

China’s Ascendance: Its History and Hazards – Part 1: China’s Rising Influence

In recent decades, China has established itself as a nation with global interests and the ability to fundamentally affect world order. In the past, the international community was more passive about China’s ascent. However, now that the West is becoming more aware of China’s growing power, the question naturally arises: Is China a threat? Some commentators claim that China’s Read More…

The Geostrategy of China’s Belt-and-Road Initiative: Policy Options for NATO Member-States and Global Partners in the Indo-Pacific

Abstract: How should NATO member-states and global partners approach the geostrategic dimension of the BRI? In this article, Program Editor Mark Davis Madarang Pablo examines the expansion of military and paramilitary activities in developing countries linked with China’s emerging integrated network of mega-infrastructure projects across the Indo-Pacific. All Roads Lead to Beijing? The Geostrategy of Read More…