Nasser Haidar Uncategorized

Photography Meets Security: A Convenience for Troops

They say pictures are worth a thousand words, but how much more would they be worth if they were also a secure form of communication? From a security perspective, it could be quite a lot. With the introduction of advanced personal technology, states around the world have focused on intelligence gathering, and armies have focused Read More…

Daniel Jung Editors' Forum Edward Tat Lionel Widmer Marwan Elghamry Uncategorized

What would an American Tariff on Steel and Aluminium mean for America’s Trading Relationship?

Editors from the NATO Association examine the effects that tariffs and a possible trade war would have on America’s allies and what this means for free trade in the world.

Global Horizons Uncategorized

La traite d’êtres humains : un fléau mondial qui continue d’inquiéter et de mobiliser la communauté internationale

Le 14 novembre dernier, CNN diffusait sur sa chaîne un reportage sur des migrants africains vendus comme esclaves en Lybie. Un reportage choc qui a permis de dénoncer une nouvelle fois les atrocités vécus par de nombreux migrants, et qui, plus largement nous rappelle que la traite d’êtres humains est loin d’avoir disparue.   Une Read More…

Brad Stollery Megan Robinson Nilum Panesar Philip Rafalko Ross Linden-Fraser Security, Trade and the Economy Uncategorized

A Shifting Global Economy, Part 4: Global and Geopolitical Trends

This podcast is the fourth and final part in a series on “A Shifting Global Economy,” which engages our researchers in International Business and Economics on changes in the global economy driven by political, social, technological and other global trends. You can check out Part 1 here, Part 2 here, and Part 3 here. Listen as our analysts talk Read More…