This piece is a satire fable written by Seoren A’Garous, attempting to reflect the dynamics behind a variety of real world issues – specifically those of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
The Rise of Anti-Interventionism in Public Opinion
Malcolm McEachern discusses whether or not the arguable rise of anti-interventionism in public opinion impacts states’ foreign policies.
Is the newly-formed Islamic State running short on popular support?
Daniel Woodburn looks at how the Islamic State’s take on Islam is undermining its goals and alienating those it would do well not to.
The Dalai Lama: An Ambiguous Figure in Sino-Tibetan Relations
James Keeling examines the role played by the Dalai Lama in Sino-Tibetan relations following the May 1951 Seventeen-Point Agreement.
Live Longer… Work Longer?
With a vast majority of people in the Western world living past 80, Carlos Abarca discusses billionaire Carlos Slim Helu’s belief that the employment system must be re-thought.
Sarkozy’s Scandals & the Growing Myth of Leader Accountability
James Keeling looks at the most recent corruption allegations against ex-French president Sarkozy and the activist movements sparked in civil society.
Between a Dictator and a Hard Place: No Happy Ending for North Korean Defectors
James Keeling looks into the disturbing discrimination trends forcing certain North Korean defectors to return to the infamous dictatorship.
Germany’s World Cup Win Won’t Distract From U.S Espionage Allegations
Amidst all the excitement surrounding Germany’s recent FIFA victory, Carlos Abarca examines another hot issue surrounding the EU nation: US spying.
Women’s Role in Terrorism
Samantha Di Santo discusses the phenomenon of female terrorism.
The Unforeseen Serendipity of the 2014 FIFA World Cup
Maura McKeon reviews the impact of the FIFA 2014 World Cup games on Colombian unity.