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Centre For Disinformation Studies cyber security Cyber Security and Emerging Threats

Disinformation and the Upcoming Federal Election: An Interview

With the upcoming 2019 federal election quickly approaching, Tiffany Kwok speaks with Director at NATO Strategic Communications Centre of Excellence Mr. Jānis Sārts, Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Toronto Dr. Joseph McQuade, and Research Director at the Samara Centre for Democracy Dr. Michael Morden on all issues regarding disinformation.

Germany NATO Security, Trade and the Economy Tiffany Kwok

The Business Behind Security: Germany’s NATO Contribution

The security and policy of a country has often been dependent upon the global community and has required the responsibility of not only themselves but also their allies. However, with shifting transatlantic relations and uncertainty brooding between countries and international organizations like that between the United States and several NATO allies, the cornerstones of what Read More…

Women Women in Security Wu Xiao

The Invisible Struggle of Female Migrant Domestic Workers

The recent confession of a Cyprian army officer murdering five migrant women and two children reopened the dialogue of migrant domestic workers’ (MDW) invisible fight against exploitation and human rights violations. Many juxtapose the MDW industry to modern day slavery. Common mistreatment MDW face include: inadequate or withheld wages, unregulated work hours, confiscation of personal identification, forced labour, physical/verbal abuse, and sexual harassment.

China Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Tiffany Kwok

The Strife over Rights and the Making of 5G Technology

Digital security has become an issue of extreme importance for the international community. Unleashing untapped potential with increasingly efficient, accessible, and customizable technological means has opened up a multitude of opportunities for both societal and human development. In turn, simultaneously being established are the heightened odds of privacy invasion, data collection, and faster data transmissions Read More…

China China Film Reviews Society, Culture, and Security Wu Xiao

The Wandering Earth: China’s Cinematic Space Race

The Chinese science fiction film The Wandering Earth (Liu Lang Di Qiu) shattered boxes offices in 2019. Directed by Frant Gwo, the movie follows the Liu family’s post-apocalyptic space mission to save Earth from Jupiter’s gravitational orbit. The film’s thematic statements and successful public reception are a reflection of China’s increasing confidence in its space exploration program.