U.S. Secretary of State Hilary Clinton travelled to nine Sub-Saharan countries during an 11-day tour of Africa, addressing the United States’ goals to ramp up its commitment to economic, security, and development initiatives in the region.
Women in Security
Women in Security covers a wide-range of issues as it explores the link between women, security, and development. As a forum to stimulate discussion and instructive debates, the NATO Association of Canada will examine the ways in which women both contribute to and are the focus of Canadian and NATO defence and security initiatives. This program also offers a critical look at the structures and institutions that shape the role of women in security at home and abroad.
The Brass Ceiling: Women & Combat
In 1994 the Pentagon released a new policy that institutionalized gender barriers in the US Army, which prevented women from having the same access to opportunity as their male counterparts.
Sex, Security, and Democracy in Afghanistan
[captionpix align=”left” theme=”elegant” width=”320″ imgsrc=” http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Guardian/Pix/pictures/2012/2/17/1329499523173/Fawzia-Koofi-008.jpg” captiontext=”Fawzia Koofi, MP: the Afghan parliament’s first female deputy speaker (Photo: the Guardian)”] Afghanistan was at the top of the agenda when world leaders met this month at NATO’s Chicago summit. Important issues, including a timetable for troop withdrawal and the Alliance’s post-2014 support and training role, were agreed upon. Read More…
Is NATO Passing the Buck? An Overdue Investigation
Human rights groups are holding NATO accountable for 72 reported civilian casualties in Libya and have urged for an investigation into the causes of the deaths.