The Security, Trade and the Economy program aims to provide Canadians with relevant and accessible analysis on current international economic policies with a focus on Canadian interests and trade security. Additionally, the program examines our country’s commitment to NATO’s mandate of encouraging economic collaboration and eliminating economic conflict.

Security, Trade and the Economy Sravani Mamillapalli

Breathing Easy: China’s anti-pollution policy

2013 was referred to by Chinese citizens as the year of the “airpocalypse”, with approximately 62% of Chinese cities suffering from high air pollution levels. Chinese environmentalists issued their first “red alert” in 24 cities early January 2017 following dangerously polluted breathing conditions in Beijing. Air quality testers in China, which typically reflect “orange” or Read More…

Nilum Panesar Security, Trade and the Economy

Corporate Social Responsibility: Skin Lightening in India as a Means towards Economic and Social Prosperity?

The market for skin lightening products is growing in India, promising to elevate the social and economic status of women who use them. While marketed as socially responsible products, their effectiveness is questionable.