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Society, Culture, and Security

U.N. ban on Sri Lanka’s peacekeepers led by alleged war criminal is the tip of the iceberg

The U.N. peacekeeping department last week banned the deployment of non-essential Sri Lankan army troops in U.N. peacekeeping missions, citing the country’s appointment of an alleged war criminal to a top military post. The appointment of Sri Lanka’s new army chief,     Lt. General Shavendra Silva, was criticized by the U.N., the United States, and the Read More…

Cyber Security and Emerging Threats James Cho

How Canada is Protecting its Critical Infrastructure from Cyberattacks

In this article, James Cho reviews how Canada is protecting its critical infrastructure from cyberattacks. He examines the 2015 cyberattack on Ukraine’s power grid as an example of cyberattack on infrastructure and introduces the goals of the new National Cyber Security Action Plan by Canadian Centre for Cyber Security.

Cyber Security and Emerging Threats

The Green Future of NATO and the Procurement of Environmentally Friendly Defence Merchandise

On Monday September 23rd, 2019 the NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenburg,at the UN Climate Summit stated “It is very important to underline that climate change is also a security threat because it can change the conditions where people live, create new migrant and refugee crises, affect scarce resources like water, andfuel new conflicts. Climate change Read More…

Women in Security

Entering the Sex Industry in Geneva

This is part one of a two-part series examining the sex industry in Geneva, specifically sex workers’ rights and obligations as well as the work of ASPASIE (Association Genevoise pour la défense des du sexe), which represents them. In an interview with Sarah Haddjeri, a Junior Research Fellow at the NATO Association of Canada, Read More…

Security, Trade and the Economy

Debunking the Myth that Agricultural Subsidies Preserve Traditional Lifestyles and the Environment

Since the signing of the GATT, nations have sought to justify their trade distorting agricultural subsidy schemes on the basis of several rationales. In this article, Dan Poliwoda debunks one of those rationales: the myth that agricultural subsidies protect traditional rural lifestyles and the environment. Later, he discusses how anticipated reforms to the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy more closely align with this stated objective.

Women in Security

Women of Terrorist Organizations- How Women are being recruited

The current atmosphere of international politics remains a strongly gendered environment in which women continue to be marginalized in both the job sector and within social spheres. The ongoing gendered viewpoint which places women in a position of vulnerability has, in part, contributed to women participating in or even conducting terrorist operations.  The threat of Read More…

Women in Security

The importance of education for girls and women in Haiti

In July 2019, the United Nations for Justice Support in Haiti issued a resolution analyzing economic and political development, the humanitarian situation, community violence, and judicial corruption within the country. Obstacles to development and growth in Haiti include few political alternatives and a judiciary lacking independence from the executive and legislative branches. The paucity of Read More…

Canadian Armed Forces Sedrik Pocuch

The Fall of Canadian Peacekeeping: Should It Be Revived?

In April 1993, there were 3336 Canadian peacekeepers deployed on UN missions. As of July 31st 2019, there are only 150. What has led to this extreme decline of Canadian peacekeepers? Should the practice of Canadian peacekeeping be revived or completely abolished? In this special report, I look at the history and present situation of Read More…

Cyber Security and Emerging Threats

#TheAmazonIsBurning – and here’s why

The Amazon is burning. Satellites from the National Institute for Space Research recorded over 30, 000 fires in the rainforest in the month of August, and the fires show no sign of abating. It has been reported that fire activity in the rainforest has not been this severe since nearly a decade ago. The lungs Read More…