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Women in Security

Why Gendered Corporate Social Responsibility Should Be Legally Binding

The concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) calls on companies to take into consideration the social impacts of their actions, and includes aspects of philanthropy, company accountability and stakeholder relations. CSR is a suggestive measure which incentivizes companies to carry out their company activities in a way that is mindful of the social environment in Read More…

Energy Security

The new European Commission and the Future Role of Gas in Europe

The natural gas portfolio of the new European Commission (EC) seeks to ensure security of supply throughout Europe. Simultaneously, it has to determine a role for natural gas towards the envisioned carbon-neutral EU economy of 2050. The EU was first compelled to advance the supply-security aspect of natural gas after the 2006 and 2009 interruptions Read More…

Women Women in Security

How The Gendered Wage Gap Impacts Ethnic Minorities

The gendered wage gap has been a persistent hindrance to women’s economic independence and is a product of the patriarchal structure of modern society. As early as 1883, the wage gap between men and women was protested by the Western Union Telegraph Company, who went on strike to ensure “equal pay for equal work”, aligning Read More…

Anvesh Jain Cyber Security and Emerging Threats

Diaspora Diplomacy: India’s Global People Power As An Asset of Its National Strategy

India has the world’s largest diaspora population – impacting remittances, military operations, political advocacy, and even Indian grand strategy itself. How does India choose to engage with this diverse community, and what benefits does that engagement bring?

Security, Trade and the Economy

How Developed Countries are Using Preferential Trade Agreements to Address ‘Unfair Trade’ Concerns

In this article, Dan discusses how many in developed countries believe that workers in their jurisdictions have been negatively impacted by trade, primarily as a result of labour cost differences between developed and developing jurisdictions. Whether justified or not, the ‘unfair trade’ complaint has been adopted by politicians in developed countries, many of whom have tried to address disparities in labour cost through bilateral and plurilateral trade agreements with developing countries.

Sedrik Pocuch Society, Culture, and Security

Rassemblement National: Changes and Continuities Under Marine Le Pen

The French Rassemblement National has long been one of the largest populist radical right parties in Europe. In 2011, Marine Le Pen became the leader of the party and started the process of bringing the party into the mainstream in an attempt to get rid of its extremist image. In this special report, I look Read More…

Security, Trade and the Economy

Trade Diversification: Spotlight on Europe

When you walk into a grocery store in almost any country in the world you are undoubtedly reaping the benefits of trade. Whether in the increased selection or the price tag, globalization has certainly impacted the way we consume and do business. However, trade between two countries leaves both parties vulnerable to each other’s economic Read More…