A list of authors, past and present

Aaron Willschick Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Expanding Community Western Europe

A Global Partnership? The Challenges of an Internationally Connected NATO and the ‘Seven Continent Strategy’

In response to a New York Times piece from last week, Aaron Willschick argues that a globally connected NATO that confronts “global problems” is impractical and unrealistic.

Aaron Willschick Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Maritime Nation

The Future is Now: The Significance and Potential Danger of Laser Weapon Systems at Sea

Aaron Willschick argues that the U.S. Navy’s new LAWS laser system may be impressive from a technological point of view, but weapons of its kind threaten to push warfare to a futuristic and dangerous position.

Andrew Chisholm Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Eastern Europe and Russia Maritime Nation Security, Trade and the Economy The Middle East and North Africa

Prosperity or Instability? The Natural Gas Game in the Eastern Mediterranean

The discovery of substantial natural gas deposits in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea may bring prosperity but it also may destabilize the region’s politics and increase regional tensions.

Canada Nil Sendil Security, Trade and the Economy

Securing Canada’s Energy Future: A Recap

On Thursday, March 21, industrial representatives, academics, military officials and government figures came together in the Securing Canada’s Energy Future conference to mark the beginning of a new series of round table talks that will take place in the coming weeks. The NATO Council of Canada (NCC) organized the conference in order to “initiate discussion Read More…

Benjamin Crase Canada

Playing it Safe: Canada & Non-Intervention in Mali

Since the conflict in Mali began, the Canadian government has remained committed to its position of non-intervention. On January 23, 2013, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper stated, “I do think it is important to help this mission. At the same time, I think we’ve been very clear, and I think this reflects Canadian opinion that, while we’re Read More…

Asia-Pacific Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Milosz Zak

Missiles at the Ready: Lockheed Martin’s test of the new PAC-3 MSE a success, but not an effective deterrent

Milosz Zak explores the significance of Lockheed Martin and Raytheon’s recent test of the new PAC-3 MSE Patriot Missile system in the deserts of New Mexico.