Rejecting popular theories, Arjun Singh refutes the existence of a ‘military-industrial complex’ in the United States.
5. Authors of the NCC
A list of authors, past and present
Should Facebook and Google pay for news?
The NATO Association of Canada’s editors share their thoughts on Australia’s new media code, and its dispute with Facebook and Google.
Political Accounting: Rethinking NATO’s ‘2 percent’ Rule
Is the ‘2 percent’ rule an effective way to measure a member State’s commitment to NATO? Eric Jackson explores how political manipulation in current defence spending misrepresents a nation’s military readiness and suggests a broader definition for security expenditures.
Rumble in the Jungle: A Special Report on the Central African Civil War
While the West looks away, Arjun Singh examines the civil war, ethnic cleansing and foreign intervention in the Central African Republic, and its implications for NATO and regional security.
Disinformation and Social Media: A Mutually Reinforcing and Iconic Duo
Since social media is the most prominent medium for disinformation campaigns aimed at Western audiences, Thomas Turmel examines the reasons behind this conscious choice made by foreign actors that reaches Canadians right in their homes.
Should Canada boycott the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing?
The NATO Association of Canada’s editors share their thoughts on whether or not Canada should boycott the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing, China.
Two Cents for Defence
As NATO nations battle over “burden sharing,” Arjun Singh explores the ‘2%’ spending rule and Donald Trump’s record on ensuring allies meet it.
Tblisi and NATO – Past, Present and an Uncertain Future
Despite Russia knocking at the door, Georgia is seeking to deepen its ties with the West and join NATO. However, to understand the present, and attempt to predict the future of Georgia’s relationship with the alliance, Elliott Simpson examines the events of 2008 and their aftermath.
A Partner in Peace: Ukraine’s Complicated Pathway to NATO Membership
As tensions in Eastern Europe rise and calls for Ukrainian membership in NATO increase, Eric Jackson explores Ukraine’s pathway to NATO accession through the Partnership for Peace programme.
Russian Disinformation and Social Movements: An Explosive Cocktail
With increasing foreign influence on social media, Thomas Turmel examines how Russia tries to influence social movements to pursue its political objectives and how to protect against this undue influence.