China Editors' Forum Emilio Angeles Justin Dell Liam Brown Olivia Cretella Taiwan

Is a military defence of Taiwan infeasible?

The NATO Association of Canada’s editors share their thoughts this week on whether or not a military defense of Taiwan is feasible, and what that would look like based on today’s international relations.  Liam Brown The global crisis that would precipitate an invasion of Taiwan would test the very limits of the liberal international order, Read More…

Asia-Pacific Emilio Angeles Indo-Pacific and NATO Security, Trade and the Economy

Biden and the Comprehensive and Progressive Transpacific Partnership: Challenges for Re-entry

The greatest challenge for Biden in the Pacific may be proving that U.S participation in multilateral-free trade agreements is a necessity and not a luxury. Emilio Angeles writes.

Emilio Angeles Indo-Pacific and NATO Security, Trade and the Economy

The Future of Canada-Japan Relations in the Post-Trump Era

The Canada-Japan relationship is well established but it will face some uncertainty in the coming years. In this article, Emilio Angeles examines the bilateral-relationship and highlights potential areas of contention between the two countries.

Editors' Forum Emilio Angeles Lily Jia Maria Zelenova

Should We Promote Patriotism in Schools?

Maria Zelenova – Program Editor for Canada’s NATO  What Does “Patriotic Education” Mean, Anyway? Last month, United States president Donald Trump proposed that patriotic, “pro-American” education be taught in the nation’s public schools. He recommitted to his stance against “left-wing demonstrators,” who are in his view responsible for an emerging narrative that “America is a wicked and Read More…

China cyber security Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Emilio Angeles Indo-Pacific and NATO

A China Strategy Begins at Home: Foreign Interference Legislation in Canada

An effective China strategy should defend residents and Canadian citizens in Canada without inciting further ethnic and racial tensions. In the article, foreign interference legislation is explored as one policy option to accomplish these goals.

Arjun Singh Editors' Forum Emilio Angeles Griffin Cornwall Samer Khurshid

Should NATO Stop Expanding?

The fall of the Soviet Union in 1991 led to the disappearance of NATO’s core purpose. Originally conceived as a collective security tool steered towards the containment of communism, the Alliance had to reassess its mission after the end of the Cold War, leading to a functional and geographical enlargement outside of its traditional boundaries. Since Read More…

Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Emilio Angeles

Documentary Review: Netflix’s “The Social Dilemma”

Netflix’s “The Social Dilemma” perpetuates exactly what it aims to prevent. In this article, Emilio finds that the film provides a good overview of the societal challenges caused by social media but has glaring flaws that prevent it from reaching wider audiences.