Aaron Willschick Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Expanding Community Western Europe

A Global Partnership? The Challenges of an Internationally Connected NATO and the ‘Seven Continent Strategy’

In response to a New York Times piece from last week, Aaron Willschick argues that a globally connected NATO that confronts “global problems” is impractical and unrealistic.

Aaron Willschick Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Maritime Nation

The Future is Now: The Significance and Potential Danger of Laser Weapon Systems at Sea

Aaron Willschick argues that the U.S. Navy’s new LAWS laser system may be impressive from a technological point of view, but weapons of its kind threaten to push warfare to a futuristic and dangerous position.

Aaron Willschick Canada Eastern Europe and Russia The Middle East and North Africa Western Europe

The “End” of NATO? The Alliance and Its Role in the 21st Century

In a response to J.L. Granastein’s recent article on NATO’s role in today’s security landscape, Aaron Willschick argues that Granastein’s argument is compelling yet flawed and that NATO can still serve an important role going forward.

Aaron Willschick Africa Asia-Pacific Eastern Europe and Russia Expanding Community Maritime Nation Western Europe

An Unlikely Alliance: Ukraine and NATO in the Battle Against Maritime Piracy

Aaron Willschick examines the unlikely partnership between Ukraine and NATO on maritime piracy, but warns that the former Soviet state has a long way to go if it wishes to be accepted into the West.

Aaron Willschick Asia-Pacific Cyber Security and Emerging Threats The Middle East and North Africa

Trading Humans for Robots: The Battle Against Roadside Bombs in Afghanistan and Iraq

Aaron Willschick takes a look at the technological evolution of the Afghanistan and Iraq Wars and the use of bomb ‘sniffing’ robots that are saving the lives of many soldiers.