With last weekend’s Allied airstrikes on Syria, a very limited response was made to Assad’s chemical attack on Douma. Was it too little, too late? Is there no “red line” to prevent future WMD usage?
Tag: WMD
Nuclear Strategy from an Iranian Perspective
Experts often discuss Iran’s intention to continue pursuing a nuclear breakout strategy. However, a look through an Iranian perspective and its tenuous Islamic project says otherwise.
The Ottawa Process: Two Decades Later
Twenty years after the Ottawa Process, Ida Mannisto explores the precedent that the treaty established for international accords banning weapons.
Is NATO Prepared in Case of a Chemical, Biological, Nuclear, or Radiological Attack? The ongoing CBRN Threat and Canada’s Role in Protection and Defence
In this article, Kelsie Chasse discusses recent developments in CBRN warfare and Canada’s role in defence domestically and abroad.
Assessing Global Threats to Canadian Interests
Aishwarya Sahai and Corinne Stancescu examine the global threats that affect Canada as an introduction to Canada’s Defence Perspectives 2020-2050: Recapitalization and the Canadian Forces.