Cyber Security and Emerging Threats

Special Report – Trump’s NATO Legacy: What Does It Mean for Joe Biden?

In this special report, NAOC Senior Editor, Justin Dell, provides a dispassionate analysis of Donald Trump’s legacy for NATO by setting it against the backdrop of the wider historical context of American domestic politics. He explores its implications for Joe Biden’s relationship with the alliance.

Previous Events

Politique étrangère et multilatéralisme : quel rôle joue aujourd’hui le Canada sur la scène internationale ?

L’Association Canadienne pour l’OTAN a organisé le jeudi 26 novembre une discussion virtuelle à propos du role du Canada sur la scène internationale.  Le 17 juin dernier, le Canada n’a pas rassemblé les votes nécessaires à l’obtention d’un siège au Conseil de Sécurité de l’ONU, pour la deuxième fois en dix ans. Que cet évènement Read More…

Arjun Singh Editors' Forum Emilio Angeles Griffin Cornwall Samer Khurshid

Should NATO Stop Expanding?

The fall of the Soviet Union in 1991 led to the disappearance of NATO’s core purpose. Originally conceived as a collective security tool steered towards the containment of communism, the Alliance had to reassess its mission after the end of the Cold War, leading to a functional and geographical enlargement outside of its traditional boundaries. Since Read More…

Boko Haram Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Defense ISIS Islamic State Operations Taliban Terrorism

Modern Jihad vs. Qur’anic Jihad: Clearing up Western Misconceptions and Eradicating the Legitimacy of Islamic Terrorist Groups

Samer Khurshid in this article serves to clear western misconceptions of Islam, Jihad and the Quran whilst simultaneously eradicating the legitimacy of Islamic Terrorist Organizations like Al – Qaeda.