Jake Rooke Security, Trade and the Economy

Special Report: The Battle Behind the Production, Russia’s Defence Industry and the Paradigm of its Strategic Advantage in the Land Domain

Disclaimer: Any views or opinions expressed in articles are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the NATO Association of Canada. Russia’s recent success on the battlefield has been directly influenced by the robustness of the Russian defence industry’s land-domain sector. This sector can be characterized by its focus Read More…

Security, Trade and the Economy

How Developed Countries are Using Preferential Trade Agreements to Address ‘Unfair Trade’ Concerns

In this article, Dan discusses how many in developed countries believe that workers in their jurisdictions have been negatively impacted by trade, primarily as a result of labour cost differences between developed and developing jurisdictions. Whether justified or not, the ‘unfair trade’ complaint has been adopted by politicians in developed countries, many of whom have tried to address disparities in labour cost through bilateral and plurilateral trade agreements with developing countries.

Women Women in Security Wu Xiao

The Invisible Struggle of Female Migrant Domestic Workers

The recent confession of a Cyprian army officer murdering five migrant women and two children reopened the dialogue of migrant domestic workers’ (MDW) invisible fight against exploitation and human rights violations. Many juxtapose the MDW industry to modern day slavery. Common mistreatment MDW face include: inadequate or withheld wages, unregulated work hours, confiscation of personal identification, forced labour, physical/verbal abuse, and sexual harassment.

Brad Stollery Megan Robinson Nilum Panesar Philip Rafalko Ross Linden-Fraser Security, Trade and the Economy

A Shifting Global Economy, Part 2: Closing the Doors on an Open World?

This podcast is Part 2 in a series of discussions with researchers in International Business and Economics on changes in the global economy driven by political, social and technological trends. Our analysts discuss what changes to openness – of ideas, borders, capital – within societies might mean for the functioning and legitimacy of an integrated world economy.