What has Canada been doing to fight human trafficking? In part 2 of this article series, Sabrina Natale discusses human trafficking in Canada, the overwhelming representation of Aboriginal and First Nation women in the industry and Canada’s National Action Plan in response to human trafficking.
Tag: Gender based violence
Enforcing UNSCR1325 & Promoting a NATO Gender Advisor for Asia: A Conversation with Betsy Kawamura (Part 2)
Part 2 of this interview with Betsy Kawamura emphasizes the need for a NATO Gender Advisor for East Asia, the legal accountability of UNSCR1325/R2P (responsibility to protect), and Ms. Kawamura’s future projects for survivors and historical reconciliation in East Asia.
UNCSW61 & North Korean Refugee Women: A Conversation with Betsy Kawamura (Part I)
I had the pleasure to speak with Betsy Kawamura, founder of Women4NonViolence in Peace + Conflict Zones – a platform to gather and support survivors of sexual violence in East Asia – and co-founder of the Working Group for North Korean Women at the North Korea Freedom Coalition. The group’s goal is to mainstream the Read More…
The women’s march and beyond – inspiring advocacy post-Trump
In light of the world-wide Women’s Marches, Stephanie Oldfield discusses how women’s advocacy has developed in the wake of Trumpism.
Infographic: Afghan Women 2016 Facts, roadmap to our movie-night
In the context of our 16days movie-night and discussion at NAOC on December 8 2016, Mégane Visette highlights important facts about Afghan women through this handy infographic.
Extraction des ressources naturelles et violence contre les femmes autochtones: Ô Canada
Quel lien existe-t-il entre l’extraction des ressources naturelles et la sécurité des femmes autochtones au Canada? Mégane Visette examine comment nos politiques de développement économique affecte les relations de genre autochtones et non-autochtones et offre des recommandations pour éradiquer la violence genrée.
Gender Based Violence In Canada: A Case For Concern
Jemma Finnegan discusses what Canada is doing to address gender-based violence
Canada and Gender Equality: Progressive Champion of Women’s Rights or International Laggard?
Canada continues to promote gender equality abroad. However, is it doing its fair share at home? Jenny Yang discusses Canada’s reflective look on gender equality.
Sexual violence and shame: How the symbolic marginalization of women infringes on their physical and social security (Part II)
What do societal behaviours tell us about the sustainance of structural violence against women? As second part of her 2 part series, Stephanie Oldfield discusses how women are subjected to human security constraints by shame.
Sexual Violence and Shame: How the symbolic marginalization of women infringes on their physical and social security (Part I )
How does sexual violence infringe on women’s physical and social security? In the first part of this series of 2 articles, Stephanie Oldfield explores how the culture of shame contributes to the impetus of rape and sexual assault.