Pictured above is an April 2 protest outside the Turkish Consulate in Sydney, Australia which had over 1 000 activists; which follows a similar protest outside the Turkish Consulate in L.A. on March 28. The historic Armenian village of Kessab, Syria where Armenians settled in the 14th and 15th centuries has been attacked by Syrian rebel forces. All 2 000 residents of this village have been forced to flee their homes. It is even being called genocide on social media. Numerous reports have circulated around the internet claiming violent atrocities were committed by the rebel forces against Armenians, much of which is unverified. The tragedy of Kessab has attracted attention from celebrities such as Kim Kardashian, Cher, and Travis Barker of Blink 182. Kim Kardashian tweeted on March 30 “Please let’s not let history repeat itself!!!!!! Let’s get this trending!!!! #SaveKessab #ArmenianGenocide” Kardashian was successful in her plea. She has had over 6 300 re-tweets.