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cyber security Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Katherine Todd

Quantum Computing Revolution: Risks and Prospects

Although quantum computing offers exciting new ways to predict, compute, and simulate data, their potential ability to decipher passwords make them an emerging threat to the security of individuals and states; the international ‘arms’ race for quantum technology raises questions about how to educate the public about these inventions and regulate them.

Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Intelligence & National Security Jordan McEwen Society, Culture, and Security

Rising Right-wing Extremism at Home and Abroad: A Global Perspective to Canada’s Freedom Convoy Protest

In this article, Jordan McEwen highlights the growth of right-wing extremist violence by looking at the Freedom Convoy Protest earlier this year.

Canadian Armed Forces Christopher Maternowski Climate Change Health

On a Warming Planet, Mosquitoes Could Mean Trouble for the Canadian Armed Forces

A warmer and more humid world could help the cold-blooded and water-loving mosquitoes multiply in numbers and colonize new spaces. This potentiality could bring the Canadian Armed Forces into contact with more mosquitoes and mosquito-borne illnesses, which could undermine the welfare and readiness of its members.

Editors' Forum Kate Ferrin Liam Brown NATO Olivia Cretella Ukraine

What Should be the Maximum Extent of NATO Expansion?

The NATO Association of Canada’s editors share their thoughts this week on what NATO’s expansion (or lack thereof) could look like based on today’s international relations. Olivia Cretella Strategic partnership is a concept that allows for two or more countries to improve or enhance relations in order to maximize their abilities to achieve positive international Read More…

Eastern Europe and Russia Europe NATO and Canada Russia The Middle East and North Africa

A Fragile Balance in the Mediterranean

Russia has long sought a presence in the Mediterranean, and thanks to its intervention in Syria, it now has one. But can it challenge NATO and its dominance? Not yet, says Elliott Simpson, but as tensions mount elsewhere, NATO should remain vigilant.

Canadian Armed Forces Christopher Maternowski Climate Change

Perilously Parched: Climate Change Threatens the Physiological Readiness of the Canadian Armed Forces

The Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) are contending with the mounting physiological effects of spiralling temperatures. Hotter weather will leave CAF members increasingly parched and depleted, which could progressively hamper operations in the years to come.

China Editors' Forum Emilio Angeles Justin Dell Liam Brown Olivia Cretella Taiwan

Is a military defence of Taiwan infeasible?

The NATO Association of Canada’s editors share their thoughts this week on whether or not a military defense of Taiwan is feasible, and what that would look like based on today’s international relations.  Liam Brown The global crisis that would precipitate an invasion of Taiwan would test the very limits of the liberal international order, Read More…

Defense Eastern Europe and Russia Europe NATO and Canada NATO Field School Series

Democracy Battles Back: Inside Canada’s Mission to the Baltics with Ambassador Kevin Rex

Canada’s contribution to the enhanced Forward Presence in Latvia began in 2017 and has since become a significant part of NATO’s security architecture in Eastern Europe. In this article, Jack Burnham sits down with Kevin Rex, Canada’s ambassador to the Baltics, to discuss his career, the eFP, and Canada’s relationships with Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia.

Lithuania Previous Events

The Future of North Atlantic Cooperation: A Lithuanian Perspective

We are excited to be hosting a virtual discussion with H.E. Darius Skusevičius, Ambassador of the Republic of Lithuania to Canada on October 27th at 2 PM ET! Watch the event here. The discussion will focus on Canada-Lithuania relations, security interests, transatlantic relations and the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. It will also touch Read More…