Women in Security covers a wide-range of issues as it explores the link between women, security, and development. As a forum to stimulate discussion and instructive debates, the NATO Association of Canada will examine the ways in which women both contribute to and are the focus of Canadian and NATO defence and security initiatives. This program also offers a critical look at the structures and institutions that shape the role of women in security at home and abroad.

Julia Schaumer Women in Security

NAOC’s 16 Days of Activism: Margot Franssen

Every year, from November 25th to December 10th, the NATO Association of Canada is proud to participate in the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence Campaign. This campaign highlights the need to address the violence that women face at all levels and in all arenas. This year, the focus is on ending gender-based violence Read More…

Julia Schaumer Women in Security

NAOC’s 16 Days of Activism: Lieutenant-General Christine Whitecross

As part of NAOC’s contribution to the 16 Days Campaign Against Gender-Based Violence, Julia Schaumer has sat down with several high-profile Canadian women who share their opinions on how to implement best practices in the workplace as well their views on women in leadership positions.

Julia Schaumer Women in Security

NAOC’s 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence

From November 25th to December 10th, the NAOC will be proudly participating in the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence Campaign. This year, the focus is on ending gender-based violence in the workplace. In this interview series, Julia Schaumer has sat down with several high-profile Canadian women who share their opinions on how to implement best practices in the workplace.

Julia Schaumer Women in Security

La crise vénézuélienne a un visage féminin

Au cours des cinq dernières années, l’état du Venezuela a continué de se détériorer; laissant sa population faire face à une urgence humanitaire. Dans cet article, Julia Schaumer souligne comment les femmes ont particulièrement ressenti les effets de cette grave crise économique.

Culture Defense Jordan NATO Security Sivan Ghasem Uncategorized Women Women in Security

NATO, Capacity Building, and Efforts to Develop Servicewomen in Jordan

Military culture across the world has gone through significant shifts. The male-dominated institution has made important strives in the last 20 years with regards to gender equality. In Canada, women have been participating in Canada’s military history for the last 100 years, but it was not until the year 2000 that all restrictions were lifted, Read More…

Michelle Verbeek Women in Security

Interview with Filomena Tassi, Minister of Seniors

The Honourable Filomena Tassi is the Member of Parliament for the riding of Hamilton West–Ancaster–Dundas, and was appointed Minister of Seniors in July 2018. In this interview with Michelle Verbeek (Program Editor for Women in Security and current Munk MGA candidate) Minister Tassi speaks on the opportunities within her new appointment, her career path, and advice for other politically driven women.