The Security, Trade and the Economy program aims to provide Canadians with relevant and accessible analysis on current international economic policies with a focus on Canadian interests and trade security. Additionally, the program examines our country’s commitment to NATO’s mandate of encouraging economic collaboration and eliminating economic conflict.

Scott Burns Security, Trade and the Economy

DIANA: Defence Innovation Accelerator for the North Atlantic

The war in Ukraine has shown that superior technology, especially in the areas of surveillance and communication, can help a David stand up to a Goliath. Looking forward, Canada and its NATO allies have embarked on a new initiative named DIANA that aims to help them maintain their technological cutting edge. In this article Scott Burns explains this new defence innovation project along with Canada’s exciting role.

Canada Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Intelligence & National Security Katherine Todd NATO and Canada Security Security, Trade and the Economy Society, Culture, and Security

Did you know? 9 Facts About Money Laundering in Canada Infographic

How much do you know about money laundering in Canada? In this infographic Katherine E. Todd
shares 9 key facts about money laundering like how much money is laundered in Canada, how it happens, and what the government has done to stop it.

Culture cyber security Cyber Security and Emerging Threats International Law & Policy Katherine Todd Security Security, Trade and the Economy Society Society, Culture, and Security Technology

AI’s Impact on Society and Security

Artificial intelligence is a rapidly advancing technology that influences much of daily life in economically advanced countries. It has the ability to benefit a wide range of industries, from internet-based businesses to weapons manufacturers; however, applications of AI is not without risks.

Canada China China Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Intelligence & National Security International Law & Policy International Relations Katherine Todd NATO and Canada Russia Security Security, Trade and the Economy The Arctic

Canada’s Need for a Comprehensive Arctic Strategy Amid Russian and Chinese Threats

Warming climates, emerging natural resources, and intensifying geopolitical threats have made the Arctic an area of great political tension, but Canada does not yet have a strategy to deal with these challenges. Can the country afford to lag behind other Arctic and “Near-Arctic” states in planning for the future of its security?

Canada Katherine Todd Rights Security Security, Trade and the Economy Society, Culture, and Security The Arctic

Food Security in Canada’s Arctic

Inequality, legacies of colonialism, and a lack of modern infrastructure cause residents of Canada’s Arctic to experience higher rates of food insecurity than the rest of the country. Canada needs to create a comprehensive Arctic strategy that addresses food insecurity, the factors contributing to it, and the growing international tension in the Arctic.