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Centre For Disinformation Studies Jack Burnham

Honesty Truly Is the Best Policy: Public Intelligence Sharing and the Russo-Ukrainian War

How have NATO states adapted to Russia’s use of disinformation? In this article, Jack Burnham discusses the West’s strategy of public intelligence sharing and its impact on the Russo-Ukrainian War.

Centre For Disinformation Studies Jack Burnham Uncategorized

Short Loops and Tall Tales: TikTok, Disinformation, and the New Face of War Reporting

Why has TikTok become a hub for disinformation during the Russo-Ukrainian War? In this article, Jack Burnham discusses the rise of the social media platform, its influence on the information space, and how it has reshaped war reporting.

Centre For Disinformation Studies Jack Burnham

Wolf Warrior-ism, Revisited: Great Power Competition During the Russo-Ukrainian War

What lessons can Russian disinformation campaigns provide for understanding China’s “Wolf Warrior Diplomacy”? In this article, Jack Burnham discusses the Russo-Ukrainian war, Chinese diplomacy, and the value of falsehoods in international relations.

Centre For Disinformation Studies Jack Burnham

Crossing the Rubicon To Reach Centre Bloc: Grievance Politics, Disinformation, and the Legacy of the “Freedom Convoy”

What threat does the “Freedom Convoy” continue to pose to Canada? In this article, Jack Burnham discusses protests in Ottawa and the role of disinformation in stoking and radicalizing grievance politics.

Centre For Disinformation Studies Jack Burnham

Another Big Bang? What Sweden’s Entry into NATO Could Mean for Countering Disinformation

What could Sweden’s entry into NATO mean for its fight against disinformation? In this article, Jack Burnham discusses NATO’s recent Madrid Summit and potential role for Sweden’s Psychological Defence Agency within the Alliance.

Indo-Pacific and NATO

To Counter China’s Rise, the Quad Needs to Shift to Economic Diplomacy

How can we unite like-minded countries against threats from encroaching autocrats? Check out Kriti Samnotra’s article on Economic Diplomacy and how the Quad must shift to providing economic assistance to push back against China’s endlessly propagandized Belt and Road Initiative.

Security, Trade and the Economy

Understanding India’s position of ‘proactive neutrality’ in the Russian- Ukraine war. Its implications on India’s security and economy.

In an emergency session of the UN’s General Assembly held on February 27th 2022, 141 of the 193 member states voted for a resolution that deplored Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and called for the immediate withdrawal of its forces. India, along with China and 33 other countries, abstained. Explaining its vote, India’s Permanent Representative at Read More…

Centre For Disinformation Studies

Swords into Bullhorns: Modern Russian Information Warfare Practices and their Impact on the Ongoing War in Ukraine

In this article Griffin Cornwall analyzes the establishment of Russia’s information warfare policies and how they have impacted planning and messaging surrounding the ongoing war in Ukraine.