Climate Change Ethan Schwartz Global Horizons Podcasts

Exclusive Interview with the Head of the Green Climate Fund’s Independent Redress Mechanism, Dr. Lalanath de Silva

Ethan Schwartz Interviews Dr. Lalanath de Silva, Head of the Green Climate Fund’s Independent Redress Mechanism, to discuss the growth of non-judicial grievance mechanisms in conflict resolution.

Podcasts The Water Cooler

Is Trump Good for NATO? – The Water Cooler (Ep. 1)

In the first episode of “The Water Cooler,” (renamed since recording) Basil Ammane and William Lloyd, with David Lazzam moderating, discuss whether or not U.S. President Donald Trump is good for NATO. After listening, make sure to vote on Twitter or Facebook for the side you agree with. Enjoy! Photo: U.S. Secretary of State Michael Read More…