Michele Di Leo analyzes how the passing of the Italian referendum could intiate some of the most drastic political change in Italian history.
Author: Michele Di Leo
Getting it right with China : Michele Di Leo interviews former Canadian Ambassador David Mulroney
How should Canada approach its relationship with China? Michele Di Leo speaks with Canada’s former Ambassador to China, David Mulroney.
Never say it Could Never Happen : How Trump’s victory could unleash Political Change in Europe
Does Trump’s victory have political implications for other Western countries? Michele Di Leo analyzes how “Trumpism” could potentially promote some of the most drastic political change seen in the 21st century.
From Berlin to Bautzen, Merkel crumbles and the Far-right rises
Is Germany beginning a slow transition to the far-right? Michele Di Leo analyzes how Merkel’s declining popularity amidst the rise of the far-right AFD will affect Germany’s political landscape.
Autocrats against Rebels against Terrorists: The Difficulty of Creating Peace in Syria
Will the ceasefire succeed? Michele Di Leo analyzes why the chaos in Syria means that a long-term plan for peace will be difficult to create.
Far-Right Nationalism: When Progressivism Fails To Deliver
Michele Di Leo analyzes the potential effect on economic and multilateral agreements if far-right nationalist parties were to be elected.