is an online foreign policy think tank based in Berlin. With over 6000 members, our mission is to encourage open, independent, and democratic dialogue on the challenges facing Europe and North America. Atlantic Memos showcase the best ideas and solutions from and are distributed to decision-makers as executive summaries.
Asia-Pacific Western Europe

Beyond Trade: Establishing a European Presence in Asia

By: Jason Naselli from the Atlantic Community – Berlin. At Issue: The European Union must reach out to Asian partners and become a credible player on issues other than trade. A strong EU-Asia policy can contribute to stability and advance Europe’s overall political, economic, and security interests. Atlantic Community members and regional experts believe that the European Union Read More…

Western Europe

Goodbye to EU Prestige Thinking: Redefining the CSDP

By: Jason Naselli  from the Atlantic Community – Berlin. At Issue: The EU must restructure its Common Security and Defence Policy based on economic and operational realities. It should emphasize narrow, logistically feasible operations over broad outlines, clearly delineate its partnership with NATO, and take a longer term view when developing operational strategies. All of the recommendations in this memo come Read More…

Western Europe

Security Despite Austerity: Improving Europe’s Defense

By: Amrit Naresh from the Atlantic Community – Berlin. At Issue: Europe’s defense sector needs reform. To cut costs and improve capabilities, states should consolidate national priorities to enhance political cooperation, streamline their administrative structures, further integrate their militaries and create an open defense market across the EU. Recognizing that Europe’s defense ministries must cut spending to stay within Read More…