The NATO Association of Canada (NAOC) strives to educate and engage Canadians about NATO and its goals of peace, prosperity and security. The NAOC ensures Canada has an informed citizenry able to participate in discussions about its role on the world stage.

German Politician Manfred Woerner Discovered Ukraine for NATO 20 Years Back

By Serhii Dzherdzh  2012 is rich in dates and events that commemorate Ukraine-NATO relations, above all the 20th anniversary of Ukraine’s first contact with the North Atlantic Alliance. January 22-23, 1992, NATO Secretary Manfred Woerner first visited Kyiv and Ukraine was invited to join the North Atlantic Cooperation Council (NNCC). It was then Ukraine started Read More…

3. Events Calendar

March 15, 2012

Toronto Roundtable: Re-evaluating the Afghan Balance of Power and Culture of Jihad The NATO Council of Canada is pleased to announce that Major John J. Malevich will be giving a talk on “Re-evaluating the Afghan Balance of Power and Culture of Jihad.” Major Malevich is currently a Program Director, Counter-Insurgency & Counter-Terrorism at the Canadian Forces Read More…

Canada Simon Miles

Cool Heads Needed Over Delisle Espionage Case

By Simon A. Miles The recent laying of charges against naval intelligence officer Sub-Lieutenant Jeffrey Paul Delisle has sent the Canadian news media into a tizzy, reminiscent of Cold War intrigue. At the time of his arrest, Delisle was working as a naval intelligence officer with HMCS Trinity in Halifax. The Department of National Defense Read More…

Eastern Europe and Russia Maritime Nation Simon Miles Western Europe

Storm Brewing over Mistral Sale to Russia

By: Simon Miles It has long been acknowledged that Russia possesses a powerful military; but equally broadly accepted that it is in dire need of modernization. Of late, the Russian government of Dmitri Medvedev and Vladimir Putin has been taking steps to rectify this defect and bring the Russian military in line with the standard Read More…

Eastern Europe and Russia Simon Miles

Putin Equivocates His Way to Reform

By Simon A. Miles Following the spate of political protests which transpired in Russia during late 2011, many in the West have wondered what the Putin regime’s response would be. In an earlier article, I argued that Putin would not play the role of Nicholas II in this turbulent time. Recent events have borne this Read More…

Previous Events

Roundtable: Hungry for Stability – Food Security Challenges for the 21st Century

On January 10, 2012, the NATO Council of Canada will host a roundtable discussion that explores these pressing issues. Professor Mustafa Koç from the Department of Sociology and the Centre for Studies in Food Security at Ryerson University will examine how conflict – including the Arab Spring – has shaped and been shaped by food Read More…

The Middle East and North Africa

Intervention in Syria: A Just War?

By: Joelle Ferreira Since the beginning of March 2011, revolts in Syria have rapidly worsened. Last month, Navi Pillay, the United Nations High Commissioner of Human Rights delivered a disturbing report regarding Syria. Her testimony to the United Nations Security Council portrays a turbulent picture. Since December 2, over 200 people have been killed: altogether Read More…

Kavita Bapat

Another Roadmap for Afghanistan

By: Kavita Bapat A decade ago, an international conference on Afghanistan in Bonn, Germany, attempted to plan for the future of the war-torn country. At that time, aspirations for a successful transfer of power in Afghanistan, as well as for security and the development of human rights were spoken about. Amid ongoing uncertainty ten years Read More…

Eastern Europe and Russia Simon Miles

Putin on the Precipice

By: Simon A. Miles This round of Russian elections were not intended to produce a surprise result. A “managed democracy” such as Russia with its hobbled opposition, muzzled media, and rampant vote rigging is by its very nature supposed to hand sizeable victories to the ruling party: Vladimir Putin’s United Russia. However, the Duma (parliamentary) Read More…