The NATO Association of Canada (NAOC) strives to educate and engage Canadians about NATO and its goals of peace, prosperity and security. The NAOC ensures Canada has an informed citizenry able to participate in discussions about its role on the world stage.
Basel Ammane Canadian Armed Forces Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Farzin Bakhtiar NATO and Canada

Operation IMPACT: A Sit-Down with Brigadier-General Colin Keiver

Operation IMPACT is currently the largest deployed operation in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF). The operation consists of Canada’s contribution to global efforts to defeat the threat of Daesh (also known as ISIS or ISIL) in Iraq and Syria. It consists of two phases. The first entailed reversing the territorial gain of Daesh, while the Read More…

Julie Lindhout NATO and Canada

Highlights From The NATO Parliamentary Assembly (NATO-PA) Spring Session, Bratislava, Slovakia, May 31-June 3, 2019

Julie Lindhout, immediate past President of the NATO Association of Canada, reviews the recently concluded NATO Parliamentary Assembly in Bratislava, Slovakia.

Podcasts The Water Cooler

Is Trump Good for NATO? – The Water Cooler (Ep. 1)

In the first episode of “The Water Cooler,” (renamed since recording) Basil Ammane and William Lloyd, with David Lazzam moderating, discuss whether or not U.S. President Donald Trump is good for NATO. After listening, make sure to vote on Twitter or Facebook for the side you agree with. Enjoy! Photo: U.S. Secretary of State Michael Read More…


NATO at 70 – Selected Topics in World Security

Below is our NATO 70 publication with a forwarded done by former chief of Defence Staff Gen. Ret’d Tom Lawson and containing contributions by some of Canada’s leading experts in International Security. Download PDF here: Selected Topics in World Security Project Editors: Senior Content Editor: Dr. Joseph McQuade Managing Editor: Ben Patterson Assistant Editor: Antalya Read More…

Canadian Armed Forces

The Monocle Daily’s Interview with Alexis Amini on the RCAF pilot shortage.

On Wednesday, March 13th 2019, Research Analyst Alexis Amini was interviewed by the Monocle Daily on the topic of RCAF pilot shortages. Photo: The RCAF’s livery is shown on this leased King Air 350, which operates out of 8 Wing Trenton, Ontario. Via. Royal Canadian Airforce website. Disclaimer: Any views or opinions expressed in articles Read More…

Dr Robert M Cutler Energy Security

Turkey, Georgia, and Energy Security

European energy security, especially the diversification of sources of supply of natural gas, increasingly depends on the South Caucasus countries of Georgia and Azerbaijan. Russia is building the NordStream Two and TurkStream pipelines in order to secure European Union (EU) dependence on Russian gas for decades to come. Because of its unique geographical situation, Georgia Read More…