Colin McEwen Global Horizons

Talk to a Diplomat: Episode XII


e’re back!

Rati Bakhtadze, Executive Director of The Youth Atlantic Treaty Association of Georgia (YATA Georgia) stars in this week’s episode.

YATA is the youth counterpart of the Atlantic Treaty Association, of which the NATO Association of Canada is a part along with the various Atlantic Councils of other NATO member states.

YATA Georgia’s website can be found here.


  • Colin McEwen

    Colin McEwen is a Research Analyst and former Program Editor for Global Horizons at the NATO Association of Canada. Colin completed his BA (Honours) at the University of Toronto in Political Science, History, and German, and has since pivoted by completing a Certificate in Data Analytics at Ryerson University. His interests are in multilateral diplomacy and the application of Big Data to problems in international relations.

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Colin McEwen
Colin McEwen is a Research Analyst and former Program Editor for Global Horizons at the NATO Association of Canada. Colin completed his BA (Honours) at the University of Toronto in Political Science, History, and German, and has since pivoted by completing a Certificate in Data Analytics at Ryerson University. His interests are in multilateral diplomacy and the application of Big Data to problems in international relations.