Arjun Singh Editors' Forum Eric Jackson Griffin Cornwall Juliana Schneider Uncategorized

Are sanctions an effective means of curbing illegal behaviour by ‘rogue state’?

This week, we challenged the NATO Association of Canada’s Editors for their take on a thorny and challenging topic, namely: Are sanctions an effective means of curbing illegal behaviour by ‘rogue state’? Ditch the Logic Arjun Singh At its root, the question is empirical. Sanctions are effective only if, in cases where used, a desired Read More…

Danna Houssain NATO Field School Series

The Colonial Pipeline Cyber-Attack: A Warning for Canada

In early May, Canadians watched in bemusement as images started to appear online of cars stretching for blocks, as fear rose over the possible shutdown of the Colonial Pipeline in the eastern U.S and a potential gas shortage. Then, word started to spread that the shortage was due to Russian hackers, and, at least for Read More…

Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Eastern Europe and Russia Europe Griffin Cornwall Russia Security Trade

Lukashenko’s Gambit: Embattled Belarusian President Risks National Sovereignty Amidst Increasing Isolation from the West

In this article Griffin Cornwall examines the impact of the Belarusian Government’s dramatic arrests of Roman Protasevich and Sofia Sapega, the increased sanctions pressure from the West this action has brought, and the potential risks to Belarus’ national sovereignty brought by President Lukashenko’s retrenchment of his relationship to his longstanding ally, Russian President Vladimir Putin

Indo-Pacific and NATO

Special Report: Anticipating China’s reaction to NATO’s extra-regional tilt towards the Indo-Pacific

In this special report, Junior Research Fellow Andrew Erskine anticipates the strategic response China will initiate to match NATO’s growing tilt towards the Indo-Pacific as an extra-regional alliance

Arash Toupchinejad Society, Culture, and Security

NATO as Turkey’s Channel for Rapprochement with the West

Despite Turkey’s fractured ties to NATO, which has increasingly alienated its people from the alliance over the past year, there seems to be a paradigm shift in Ankara’s foreign policy towards its allies. Arash Toupchinejad analyzes how NATO can capitalize on this shift in attitude to motivate Turkey’s rapprochement with the West under the auspices of the Framework Nations Concept.

Arjun Singh Climate Change Eastern Europe and Russia Energy & Resources Germany Japan Russia Security, Trade and the Economy The United States of America Western Europe

Deutschland’s Dissonance: Nordstream, Nazism and NATO’s Peril

Despite NATO’s objections, as Germany persists in cooperation with Russia, Arjun Singh deconstructs the German strategic calculus on Nord Stream 2 and impact of Holocaust history.