Indo-Pacific and NATO Katherine Todd

Canada’s Need For A Comprehensive Arctic Strategy Amid Russian And Chinese Threats

On August 26, 2022, NATO’s Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg warned Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau about Russia and China’s investments and intentions to build military, commercial, and industrial capacities in the Arctic. This is not new information. Russia and China made their Arctic strategies publicly available in 2009 and 2018, respectively. News articles frequently detail their interests and successes in the region. Despite this, Canada has Read More…

Canada China China Cyber Security and Emerging Threats Intelligence & National Security International Law & Policy International Relations Katherine Todd NATO and Canada Russia Security Security, Trade and the Economy The Arctic

Canada’s Need for a Comprehensive Arctic Strategy Amid Russian and Chinese Threats

Warming climates, emerging natural resources, and intensifying geopolitical threats have made the Arctic an area of great political tension, but Canada does not yet have a strategy to deal with these challenges. Can the country afford to lag behind other Arctic and “Near-Arctic” states in planning for the future of its security?

Canada Katherine Todd Rights Security Security, Trade and the Economy Society, Culture, and Security The Arctic

Food Security in Canada’s Arctic

Inequality, legacies of colonialism, and a lack of modern infrastructure cause residents of Canada’s Arctic to experience higher rates of food insecurity than the rest of the country. Canada needs to create a comprehensive Arctic strategy that addresses food insecurity, the factors contributing to it, and the growing international tension in the Arctic.