Gleb Adamovych Society, Culture, and Security

Afghanistan: Not Buried Yet

In April of 2021, the United States government announced its withdrawal from what was at the time the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. Twenty years of combat, 3609 dead NATO troops, and trillions of dollars later, Allied forces withdrew, and left the country vulnerable for the Taliban to seize control once again, like they had thirty Read More…

Elliott Simpson NATO and Canada NATO Operations

Last In, First Out: Two Decades in Afghanistan

Bagram Air Base – once the bastion of coalition forces in Afghanistan – is now empty of U.S. and NATO troops, bringing an effective end to their presence in the country. Elliott Simpson reflects on what should be acknowledged, and hopefully learned from their efforts over the past 20 years.

Afghanistan Central Asia Culture Diplomatic Relations Peace & Security The Middle East and North Africa Umaima Ghori United Nations Women Women in Security women in security

Women Make a Difference in Peace Negotiations

Melanne Verveer, who served as U.S. Ambassador for Global Women’s Issues, remarked that clashes had occurred in 31 of the world’s 39 active conflicts after peace settlements. None of the 31 cases had women involved in the peace process.