
70th Anniversary Celebration of the Atlantic Charter

The NATO Council of Canada would like to pass on some information on an exciting event being held this summer. The Atlantic Charter Foundation would like to invite you to attend celebrations commemorating the historic meeting between President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Winston Churchill which created the Atlantic Charter. The event will be held from Read More…


Ian London Speaks on Rare Earths at NATO HQ

During the NATO Council of Canada’s 2010 Spring Conference on conflict and natural resources, participants had the pleasure of hearing from Ian London, Market Development and Energy Advisor with Avalon Rare Metals Inc. who spoke about the impact that rare metals could have on geopolitical relations in the 21st Century. Following this conference, Mr. London Read More…


The Naval Centennial Gala: 100 Years – From Sea to Sea

The NATO Council of Canada is pleased to announce that the Canadian Naval Centennial Gala, held this past Saturday, November 6, was a great success.  More than 300 distinguished guests arrived at the event to pay tribute to the courage and sacrifice of those who have served Canada at sea. As part of the celebration Read More…


The Atlantic Treaty Association Fall 2010 Newsletter

The NATO Council of Canada would like to draw your attention to the Fall 2010 Atlantic Treaty Association Newsletter. This publication provides a great deal of information on what is happening in the ATA community and is an excellent recourse for all those interested in transatlantic affairs. Included in this particular edition is a section Read More…


COMISAF’s New Counterinsurgency Contracting Guidelines

The NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan has issued a new set of contracting guidelines aimed at decreasing corruption and reducing the amount of funds that indirectly flow into the hands of insurgents and criminals. Currently, it is estimated that $14B USD a year is being paid to contractors. Background  The international contracting Read More…


“Use It or Lose It”: Canadian Arctic Sovereignty Heats Up

Prime Minister Stephen Harper recently returned from his five-day long tour of Canada’s Arctic region, an annual event meant to underline of the current government’s main policy tenets – Arctic sovereignty. Harper’s trip coincided with a series of military exercises in the region – Operation Nunalivut in the High Arctic, Operation Nunakput in the western Read More…


NATO Aids Pakistan in Relief Efforts Again

On Friday, August 20th, NATO announced that it would provide disaster relief to flood-stricken Pakistan, in response to a request made by the country’s government. The first NATO aircraft carrying relief goods departed from Germany and arrived at the Chaklala Airbase near the capital city of Islamabad carrying goods including power generators, water pumps and Read More…