As the 2018 NATO Summit in Brussels approaches, the NATO Association of Canada is excited to present infographics on the nine female permanent representatives to NATO.
Women in Security
Women in Security covers a wide-range of issues as it explores the link between women, security, and development. As a forum to stimulate discussion and instructive debates, the NATO Association of Canada will examine the ways in which women both contribute to and are the focus of Canadian and NATO defence and security initiatives. This program also offers a critical look at the structures and institutions that shape the role of women in security at home and abroad.
Road to Brussels: the United Kingdom’s Permanent Representative
As the 2018 NATO Summit in Brussels approaches, the NATO Association of Canada is excited to present infographics on the nine female permanent representatives to NATO.
Road to Brussels: Iceland’s Permanent Representative
As the 2018 NATO Summit in Brussels approaches, the NATO Association of Canada is excited to present infographics on the nine female permanent representatives to NATO.
Interview with Stéfanie von Hlatky on the NATO SPS supported Gender and International Security Summer School
Recently a NATO Science for Peace and Security (SPS) initiative culminated in a summer school program on Gender in International Security. Course director Stéfanie von Hlatky talks with Program Editor Amaliah Reiskind about the program and her experience working with the SPS Programme.
Road to Brussels: Estonia’s Permanent Representative
As the 2018 NATO Summit in Brussels approaches, the NATO Association of Canada is excited to present infographics on the nine female permanent representatives to NATO.
Road to Brussels: the United States’ Permanent Representative
As the 2018 NATO Summit in Brussels approaches, the NATO Association of Canada is excited to present infographics on the nine female permanent representatives to NATO.
Road to Brussels: Canada’s Permanent Representative
As the 2018 NATO Summit in Brussels approaches, the NATO Association of Canada is excited to present infographics on the nine female permanent representatives to NATO.
In the Shadows? Gender Equality at the G7 Summit
Now a week out from the 44th G7 summit in Quebec, questions surrounding the meeting arise. Did Canada realize its goal of merging gender equality considerations with global economic growth?
A Shifting Moral Compass: Gina Haspel and the CIA’s Detention and Interrogation Program
Gina Haspel was confirmed as the 7th Director of the CIA on May 17th. In his latest article, McCartney Lee discusses Haspel’s history with the agency’s Detention and Interrogation program, and whether or not institutionalized torture is an effective method of gathering information.
Combating Violence Against Female Politicians
On May 24, 2018, Canada celebrated the 100th anniversary of a minority of women’s right to vote in federal elections. As we reflect on this important milestone and the many trailblazing women on whose shoulders we continue to stand, we must also acknowledge the long road ahead to truly dismantle the barriers to equal access to democratic institutions at the national and international level.