Conor Smith examines Canada’s “niche” contribution to global monitoring of orbital debris.
The NATO Association of Canada’s Procurement Program provides Canadians with analyses of trends relating to Canadian and international defense procurement and illustrates how these trends affect NATO’s collective mission capabilities. The program also provides in-depth discussion regarding the bureaucratic management, specific trade controls and various other institutional processes governing the defense industry and defense acquisitions, while integrating elements of international trade and economics.
Politics in Procurement: Canada’s Greatest National Security Risk
Alexander Ross analyzes the paralyzing effects of political adversarialism on Canada’s defense procurements.
Private Military Companies: The Future of Conflict Management
Alessandro Gagliardi contextualizes and examines the perpetual rise in the use of private military companies.
Reviewing the Case for Increased Defence Spending in Canada
Alessandro Gagliardi surveys the academic and official discourse on the dynamics of Canadian defence spending.
Canada’s F-35: Too Costly not to Purchase
Alessandro Gagliardi examines the motives driving Canada’s continued investment in the program.