The NAOC’s Global Horizons program is our outreach initiative oriented specifically towards high school students interested in learning more about international affairs, Canadian foreign policy, and NATO. Our website is dedicated to educating the public on current events in international affairs, and this page is devoted to making that process easier for high school students by providing resources that help guide them into this world and offer advice on pursuing a career in political science or international relations.

Global Horizons Mohy-Dean Tabbara Security, Trade and the Economy

Understanding Canada’s Recession: A Tale of Foreign Rivalry

O n July 15, 2015, the Bank of Canada dropped interest rates to a mere 0.5 percent, further decreasing the value of the Canadian dollar, allowing it to reach 2009 levels- the last time the country was in recession. Officials have steered clear from employing the ‘R-word’, but pessimistic predictions for this year’s GDP growth Read More…