Sivan Ghasem is currently a Junior Research Fellow with the NATO Association of Canada. Ms. Ghasem has two Master's degrees in International Relations and Diplomacy from the American Graduate School in Paris and a second degree in International Law and Economics from Paris Saclay University. She recently completed an internship at the NATO headquarters in Brussels, Belguim in the Policial Affairs and Security Policy Section: Middle East and North Africa. She primarly focused on relations and cooperation activities between NATO and their partner countries in the MENA region. She is bilingual in French and English.
Canada cyber security Intelligence & National Security NATO and Canada Russia

Russia, Cyber-warfare and Canada’s Democracy

In today’s day and age, the battlefields of war and the boundaries of conflict have changed significantly. Conflict can manifest in various forms – hot wars, cold wars, trade wars, and most recently cyberwar. Digital attacks have the capacity to cripple a states infrastructure from thousands of kilometers away. The internet has become a new Read More…

Culture Iran Iraq ISIS Sivan Ghasem Society, Culture, and Security The Middle East and North Africa Uncategorized

Iranian interest in Iraq and ramifications on NATO

In this article, Sivan Ghasem highlights Iran’s role in Iraq and the current umbrella of militia’s that operate under Iran’s direction. She underscores the measures of hard and soft power executed by the Iranian regime and how this could effect relations with NATO.