The NATO Association of Canada (NAOC) strives to educate and engage Canadians about NATO and its goals of peace, prosperity and security. The NAOC ensures Canada has an informed citizenry able to participate in discussions about its role on the world stage.

Present Security Scenario in Latin America

During most of the 20th Century, Latin America was a region that lagged behind in the international system. Although this period was full with transcendental transformations and important revolutions, the region was seen by the rest of the world as an arena of Cold War competition to contain communism in the Western hemisphere. Within Latin Read More…

Previous Events

April 26: Tribute Dinner to Honour General Bouchard and Dr. Kaneff

The Hon. Bill Graham, PC., QC., Chairman and the Board of Directors of The NATO Council of Canada   cordially invite you to the Annual Tribute Dinner honouring [captionpix align=”left” theme=”elegant” width=”200″ imgsrc=”×300.jpg ” captiontext= “Dr. Ignat Kaneff.”] [captionpix align=”right” theme=”elegant” width=”194″ imgsrc=” ” captiontext= “LGen Charles Bouchard.”]   Thursday, April 26th, 2012 7 Hart House Circle, Read More…

Canada Jason Wiseman Terrorism The Middle East and North Africa


Panel I – Canadian Economic and Energy Interests in the New Middle East  (Click to play video) Welcome Remarks — The Honourable John Baird, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Canada (via Video) Julie Lindhout, President, The NATO Council of Canada Moderator:  Lawrence Solomon Speakers: Lawrence Solomon, Columnist, Financial Post; Executive Director, Energy Probe Andy Mahut, Executive Board, Read More…

Previous Events

April 18: “Enlargement to strengthen NATO’s Role” Roundtable Discussion

April 18th, 2012 – 18:15-20:30  10th Floor, 165 University Ave. Toronto About the Speakers:  A graduate in Law, Mrs. Trisic-Babic also has a background in journalism, and studied at Harvard’s Kennedy School Program in the field of national and international security, Boston, Massachusetts.  After serving in successively senior positions in the government of Bosnia and Read More…

Western Europe

The Euro-zone Crisis and the Future of Greece: A Youth Perspective

The Crisis [captionpix align=”right” theme=”elegant” width=”320″ imgsrc=”” captiontext=” The discontent of Greek youth is palpable. Photo: Reuters”] For the past three years Greece has been going through a huge economic crisis. It is a national test that all the Greek people have to “pass.” The greatest burden, however, falls on the youth of the country Read More…


April 24: “Ukraine’s Future Relations with the EU and the Path to NATO” Ottawa Roundtable

THIS EVENT HAS BEEN POSTPONED – Please check back for the new date. What:Ottawa Roundtable on “Ukraine’s Future Relations with the EU and the Path to NATO” Where: Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Dunton Tower, 13 floor, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada  K1S 5B6 When: To Be Determined Fees: Members: $20.00 ; Non-Members: $25.00 ; Students Read More…

Previous Events


The NATO Council of Canada and the Advocates for Civil Liberties held a very successful conference on March 28 entitled ‘Canada and the New Middle East’. With over 350 people in attendance, this conference featured high-profile speakers such as Executive Director of CSIS Raymond Boisvert, RCMP Superintendent Doug Best, Former Senior Trade Commissioner Mike Ward Read More…

Previous Events

Roundtable: Re-evaluating the Afghan Balance of Power and Culture of Jihad

The NATO Council of Canada  Invites you to a roundtable discussion “Re-evaluating the Afghan Balance of Power and Culture of Jihad”  Major John J. Malevich  Program Director, Counter-Insurgency & Counter-Terrorism, Canadian Forces College Thursday March 15th at 6:15pm Generously sponsored by: Equity Financial Holdings Inc.  About the Speaker: Major John Malevich is an Armoured Officer of Lord Strathcona’s Read More…

Previous Events

Roundtable: The EU in Crises – NATO and Global Implications

On March 7th, 2012, The NATO Council held a roundtable titled: “The EU in Crises:NATO and Global Implications” Featuring Dr Jean-Yves Haine Ph.D Professor, University of Toronto – Trudeau Centre For Peace and Conflict Studies About the Speaker Jean-Yves Haine is a Professor at the Department of Political Science at the University of Toronto. He Read More…