
Afghan Documents Leak Nothing New

It has been called one of the worst leaks in US military history — over 90,000 sensitive documents about the war in Afghanistan have been posted onto the whistle blowing website, WikiLeaks. The reports leaked were written by soldiers and intelligence officers from the frontlines of the war in Afghanistan. The US Government is not Read More…


Afghan Civilian Deaths on the Rise, but not at the Hands of International Forces

The Afghan Rights Monitor has released statistics showing that the escalating violence in Afghanistan is at its worst since the beginning of the almost nine year war. This year alone, 1074 civilians have been killed, as international forces struggle to combat the escalating insurgency attacks. However, the Afghan Rights Monitor has also said that fewer Read More…


Afghan Development Report: Canada Aids Development of Independent Afghan Media

As part of Canada’s continuing effort to support Afghanistan’s growing media industry, the Canadian government  funded a three-month long photography course taught by the Afghan non-governmental organization, AINA Photo Agency. Founded in 2001 by two French photojournalists, AINA is the one and only independent photo Agency in Afghanistan. Its aim is to provide media training Read More…


NATO Security in Light of Kyrgyz Unrest

Home to the Manas Air Base, a transit hub central to NATO efforts in Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan is on the brink of civil war. The NATO Partnership-for-Peace member country has experienced recent ethnic clashes between the majority ethnic Kyrgyz and minority Uzbeks in the south of the country, leaving between 300 to 2000 people dead. Some Read More…


Afghan Development Report: Canada’s Legacy in Afghanistan

Water will be the cornerstone of the legacy that Canada hopes to leave behind in Afghanistan prior to its withdrawal date a year from now. In a war-torn country racked with abject poverty and decades of strife, it has been extremely difficult to decide where Canada should focus its development and aid efforts. Ben Rowswell, Read More…


NATO Council Launches School Outreach Program

The NATO Council’s Secondary School Outreach Program officially launched on June 9th 2010 at Bur Oaks Secondary School in Markham. Two grade 10 History classes received a 75-minute presentation on Canada’s involvement in NATO, which follows from the NATO Council’s aim to promote interest in and knowledge of Canada’s most important military alliance. Kirsty Hong, Read More…


Afghan Development Report: New Border Police Faculty Inaugurated

Afghan Development Report: New Border Police Faculty Inaugurated The Canadian government is on its way to fulfilling the fourth of its six proclaimed priorities in Afghanistan, namely border security with facilitation of bilateral dialogue between officials from Afghanistan and Pakistan. A secure and well-managed border will help promote much needed economic opportunities for border-region residents. Read More…


AGM Guest Keynote “Canada’s Rangers” with Sgt. Peter Moon

Following the annual general meeting of the NATO Council of Canada, directors, members, and guests, were invited to an insightful presentation by Sgt. Peter Moon about the work of the Canadian Rangers in Ontario’s remote and isolated communities. Clad in their distinctive red sweatshirts and baseball caps, the Canadian Rangers are a volunteer force and Read More…


Greek Military Spending in Light of the Euro Zone Crisis

“If Only Two NATO Members Could Bury the Hatchet” In light of the euro zone debt crisis that has spread from Greece, many European countries, among them NATO members, are looking at their military spending as a possible source for budget cuts. As NATO’s Secretary General, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, warns that excessive cuts in defence Read More…


Russo-Ukrainian Agreement on Black Sea Fleet Renewal Leaves NATO Door Still Open

On April 21, 2010 Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych and his Russian counterpart Dmitry Medvedev signed a deal extending the lease allowing Russia’s Black Sea Fleet to be stationed in Crimea, Ukraine for another 25 years beyond its original expiry date of 2017, with a possible further 5-year-extension.  In return, Russia agreed to grant Ukraine a Read More…