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Africa Cyber Security and Emerging Threats James M. Bridger Terrorism

Things Fall Apart: Nigeria Slides toward Sectarian Conflict

By: James Marcus Bridger Just two short years ago, the Islamist militant organization Boko Haram was discounted by government and intelligence officials as a spent force that lacked the organizational capabilities to threaten the state or endanger foreign interests. By 2011 however, the group had evolved from a small religious sect to a simmering regional Read More…

Africa James M. Bridger Terrorism

Emboldened al-Qaeda Offshoot Prompts Western Action

Once considered a quiet front in the global “War on Terror,” the Sahel region of North Africa has become an area of increasing concern for Western governments. Emboldened by mercenaries and heavy weapons crossing out of Libya, al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) has engaged in a spree of kidnappings and attacks, prompting Canada, the Read More…

James M. Bridger NATO and Canada Terrorism

A Week of Carnage in Afghanistan

By: James Marcus Bridger A brazen succession of insurgent attacks has claimed the lives of over two dozen foreign and Afghan security personnel in the last week. This wave of assaults sparks fresh fears regarding the militants’ continued ability to strike deep within International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) and government-controlled territory. The readiness of the Read More…

Kavita Bapat Terrorism

Stuck in the Middle with You: Afghanistan, Pakistan and the Indian Nexus

By: Kavita Bapat On 4 October, India and Afghanistan signed a significant partnership pact agreeing to increase cooperation on counterterrorism efforts, the training of security forces, and boosting trade relations. Though the pact is a considerable step forward for the India-Afghanistan nexus, it has raised concerns of antagonizing Pakistan at a decisive juncture in the Read More…

Africa James M. Bridger Maritime Nation Terrorism

Kenyan Troops Go Where Others Fear to Tread

By: James Bridger Despite attempts to brand itself as a luxury tour destination, Kenya has been unable to escape the harsh reality that it borders a failed state of Hobbesian proportions. Instability has spilled over in recent weeks, as Somali militants launched a series of daring raids into Kenyan territory: On 11 September Judith Tebbutt, Read More…

Kavita Bapat Terrorism

Pakistan’s Security Dilemma

By: Kavita Bapat In recent years, Pakistan has faced an internal and external security dilemma concerning an asymmetric balance of power between the nation’s military complex and its government. The Pakistani army is by and large considered the most influential governing national institution and has been steadily increasing its power since the nation’s first military Read More…

Cameron Becker Terrorism The Middle East and North Africa

An Uncertain Future in Yemen

By: Cameron Becker On January 27 2011, inspired by events in Tunisia and Egypt, thousands took to the streets of Sanaa, the capital city of Yemen, in protest of the Yemeni government. Since then, a power struggle between pro and anti-government factions has resulted in violent strife and political instability. The Yemeni government’s violent response Read More…

Kavita Bapat Terrorism

Pakistan: The New Terror Hotspot

By: Kavita Bapat With the drawdown of NATO troops from Afghanistan this summer, questions have been raised about South Asia’s long-term security and stability. In particular, international concern has shifted towards neighbouring Pakistan, which has quickly become South Asia’s terror capital. Concerns about Pakistan’s security are steadily increasing as more suicide attacks destabilize Pakistan’s major Read More…

Kavita Bapat Terrorism

Mullah Mohammad Omar-Wanted: Alive or Else

By: Kavita Bapat. Taliban leader Mullah Mohamad Omar was a recluse even before the fall of the Taliban government in late 2001. It is therefore no surprise that along with his comrades, he has eluded capture by western coalition forces in Afghanistan and Pakistan for the past 10 years. Richard Holbrooke, the late US envoy Read More…

Africa Cyber Security and Emerging Threats James M. Bridger Maritime Nation Terrorism

Following the Somali Pirates’ Money Trail

By: James Bridger. Somali pirates took in approximately $240 million in ransom payments last year, an enormous sum, particularly for a country where the average yearly income is roughly $600. While the NATO Council’s previous article addressed the myriad risks posed by the expansion of Somali piracy, the question of how this money is spent Read More…