This article is the second part of a two-part article focusing on the impacts of online and offline surveillance of women’s behaviour, and how it is influenced by technology. Gender in public and private spheres The dichotomy between public and private highlights the blatant inequalities that women face. It is worth considering how these two Read More…
Author: Sarah Haddjeri
Sarah is a graduate student in Political Science and Public and International Affairs with the Institute of Political Studies (Strasbourg) and York University (Toronto). This year she enrolled in an interdisciplinary program in Aix-Marseille university. She will be an intern at UN Women, in Geneva, from April to September 2019.
How does the age of surveillance strengthen gender inequalities and shape women’s online and offline behaviour?
This is the first part of a two part article focusing on gender surveillance analyzing the effects of online and offline surveillance on women and illustrating the ways in which discrimination and sexism are perpetuated as a result.
Muslim Women in Europe: how do they intervene in the public space?
In this articles, Sarah Haddjeri examines the way the feeling of fear has invaded public spaces in Europe and how it has contributed to ostracize Muslim women. Despite political resolutions to promote equal opportunities, Muslim women are excluded from most of debates and decisions about their body and appearance. Yet, they try to find alternatives to empower themselves.